Earth Matters

EO’s Satellite Puzzler: Entry 1

May 29th, 2012 by Adam Voiland

7 Responses to “EO’s Satellite Puzzler: Entry 1”

  1. Damián says:

    It looks like a mine, that it could be done in near the tropic area, perhaps in South America.

  2. Michael K. says:

    From the rolling terrain, high crop density, and the open pit (coal?) mining, I would say something mid-latitude and in the southern hemisphere. I’m guessing South Africa in austral summer (December). The Witbank coal field or something in the same region.

  3. Bonedig says:

    Possibly Manchuria. Very tightly packed, small agricultural plots with mining (largely coal)
    immediatly alongside. In addition, there is a profound landform change immediately to the right (east?) that appears quite barren and eroded by wind.

  4. Graeme Holmes says:

    I think the feature on the right hand side is remnant forest with a walkway connecting the white dots, a very small open cut coal operation not on flat land and it is pretty lush or verdant country where agriculture is intensive so I’m thinking Poland or Italy , Germany or France?

  5. Dane Gerneke says:

    Gold mining on the Witwatersrand, South Africa.
    The tan areas are, what are called locally, slime dams, which are formed from the waste of procsssing. Re-processing of these using better extraction methods has been going on for 25 years and are profatable with a high gold price.

  6. Fabio says:

    This is the brown coal area located in Western Germany (Cologne/Aachen Area). In the center is a power plant transforming the brown coal to electricity.

  7. Luc Vandekerckhove says:

    Efes, Turkye?

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