Snow and Ice

Today’s Glacial Retreat is a Recent Phenomenon

Today’s Glacial Retreat is a Recent Phenomenon

Alpine glaciers around the world were advancing as recently as 1990. Now they’re melting fast.

Published Oct 24, 2024

Image of the Day Snow and Ice

Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Approached Historic Lows

Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Approached Historic Lows

Sea ice in the Arctic continued a decades-long downward trend in its minimum summer extent, while sea ice around Antarctica saw meager winter growth in 2024.

Published Oct 17, 2024

Image of the Day Snow and Ice

Spring Snow in Lesotho

Spring Snow in Lesotho

A late-season storm covered the mountainous country and nearby provinces of South Africa in a blanket of white.

Published Sep 29, 2024

Image of the Day Atmosphere Snow and Ice

Keeping Tabs on North Cascades Glaciers

Keeping Tabs on North Cascades Glaciers

Scientists use satellites in orbit and boots on the ice to monitor glacial changes on the flanks of Mount Baker and elsewhere in Washington state.

Published Sep 19, 2024

Image of the Day Snow and Ice

A Winter Wanderer in the Weddell Sea

A Winter Wanderer in the Weddell Sea

Under the cloak of darkness, Iceberg A-83 wiggled away from glue-like sea ice and drifted farther from the Brunt Ice Shelf—but not without sustaining some damage.

Published Sep 16, 2024

Image of the Day Snow and Ice