Natural Event

Smoky Skies Across North America

Smoky Skies Across North America

Hundreds of wildland fires lofted sky-dulling smoke over Canada and the United States.

Published Jul 25, 2024

Image of the Day Fires Human Presence

Fires Char the Siberian Arctic

Fires Char the Siberian Arctic

Large wildland fires are burning in the tundra of northern Russia.

Published Jul 18, 2024

Image of the Day Land Fires

Beating the Heat in Pakistan

Beating the Heat in Pakistan

Greening projects in Lahore could help cool the city as climate change and rapid urbanization intensifies the urban heat island effect. 

Published Jul 16, 2024

Image of the Day Heat Temperature Extremes

Wildfire Scorches Eastern Oregon

Wildfire Scorches Eastern Oregon

Fast-moving blazes tore through rangeland in the Pacific Northwest amid excessive heat.

Published Jul 15, 2024

Image of the Day Heat Fires

Extreme Heat Hammers U.S. Coasts

Extreme Heat Hammers U.S. Coasts

As summer heat hit the western and eastern U.S. in July 2024, temperatures have been especially high in the Southwest.

Published Jul 11, 2024

Image of the Day Heat Temperature Extremes