The rugged canyons slicing through plateaus in New Mexico’s Bandelier National Monument contain relics from human civilization that date back 11,000 years.
Soldiers’ National Cemetery, where U.S. President Abraham Lincoln delivered the “Gettysburg Address” in November 1863, appears in this Ikonos satellite image from June 25, 2003.
Acquired June 24, 2007, this natural-color image shows the eastern half of St. John Island in the U.S. Virgin Islands. The area pictured incorporates a national park and national monument.
Acquired October 22, 2008, this true-color image of Sequoia National Park shows a network of varied ecosystem, including conifer forests, river valleys, alpine vegetation, and bare rocks.
The landscape is a recently formed set of basaltic lava flows that creates a foreboding landscape of sharp obsidian, cinder and spatter cones, twisted rivers of solidified rock, pit craters, and a network of caves from lava tubes.
Acquired August 29, 2001, this true-color image of Yoho National Park shows a landscape of naked ridges, forested slopes, meandering rivers, and jewel-toned lakes.