Most of us prefer our winter roads free of ice, but some cloud formations depend on it.
Published Jan 12, 2012Cold winds blowing over the sea helped form rows of cumulus clouds.
Published Mar 4, 2020Image of the Day Atmosphere Water Unique Imagery Snow and Ice
Cold and dry air from Siberia typically produce this cloud formation over the sea from November through January.
Published Jan 7, 2018Cloud streets form thousands of feet above the Earth’s surface.
Published Mar 12, 2017Cool air moving across Arctic sea ice gives rise to long parallel bands of cumulus clouds over the Norwegian Sea.
Published Mar 31, 2016Image of the Day Atmosphere Land Water Unique Imagery Snow and Ice
Cool air blowing southward across the sea ice and over the comparatively warmer open water produced long, parallel bands of cumulus clouds.
Published Mar 30, 2018The Aqua satellite captured this image of cloud streets over the Black Sea in January 2015.
Published Jan 9, 2015South of the loosely packed ice in the northern part of the sea, parallel rows of clouds line up along the north-south axis of the wind. These “streets” of clouds form when cold air blows over the warmer, moister air that sits over the water.
Published Jan 15, 2008The MODIS instrument on NASA’s Terra satellite collected this natural-color view of cloud streets over the ocean off of New England and the Canadian Maritimes on January 24, 2011.
Published Feb 15, 2011Cold air blows over warmer water to produce thin, parallel lines of clouds.
Published Oct 8, 2018Cold air moving over relatively warm ocean water produced a pattern of clouds that lined up in organized rows.
Published Nov 14, 2019The Sea of Okhotsk is a winter ice factory and a year-round cloud factory.
Published Jan 3, 2018Cold air blowing between warmer water and warm upper-level air masses can produce long lines of cumulus clouds.
Published Nov 20, 2012In the midst of a sharp cold snap, the Terra satellite captured this image of cloud streets over the Atlantic Ocean.
Published Jan 11, 2014An uncommon display of cloud streets formed off of the northern coast of Australia.
Published Jul 24, 2016Long bands of cumulus clouds lined up over the Great Lakes in this spectacular display of “cloud streets.”
Published Feb 12, 2016Like the freshly raked white sand of a well-tended Japanese garden, rows of clouds stream over the Bering Sea from the edge of the sea ice.
Published Jan 31, 2006Image of the Day Atmosphere Water Unique Imagery Snow and Ice
Terra MODIS captured this natural color image on April 9, 2015.
Published Apr 10, 2015An open-celled cloud over the Pacific Ocean had a shape reminiscent of a certain circular letter of the alphabet.
Published Sep 27, 2014Tucked between Siberia and Russia's frozen Kamchatka Peninsula, the Sea of Okhotsk was a field of ice in February 2007.
Published Feb 8, 2007Acquired January 16, 2010, this true-color image shows sea ice spanning the Bering Strait, and parallel rows of clouds extending toward the southwest.
Published Feb 2, 2010