Images related to Kaliningrad, Baltic Sea, Russia

Blooming Baltic Sea

Blooming Baltic Sea

An annual summertime bloom of cyanobacteria flourished in such numbers as to be visible from space.

Published Aug 23, 2015

Image of the Day Water

Scandinavia at Night

Scandinavia at Night

City lights trace the coastlines, while moonlight illuminates the snow and clouds.

Published May 11, 2015

Image of the Day Human Presence

Beguiling Bloom in The Baltic Sea

Beguiling Bloom in The Baltic Sea

Nearly every summer, phytoplankton trace the sea’s currents, eddies, and flows.

Published Aug 19, 2020

Image of the Day Life Water Water Color

Curonian Spit

Curonian Spit

In the southeastern corner of the Baltic Sea lies a skinny stretch of land. Known as the Curonian (or Courland) Spit, it separates the Curonian Lagoon (also known as the Courland Lagoon) from the Baltic Sea. Both the spit and the lagoon fall within the borders of Lithuania and Russia’s Kaliningrad Oblast.

Published Nov 2, 2007

Image of the Day Land Life Water

Dalmatian Coastline near Split, Croatia

Dalmatian Coastline near Split, Croatia

This astronaut photo from April 9, 2009, shows the Dalmatian coastline of the Adriatic Sea around Split, Croatia.

Published May 4, 2009

Image of the Day Land Water Human Presence

Summer Blooms in the Baltic and Barents

Summer Blooms in the Baltic and Barents

Phytoplankton and blue-green algae blooms off of Scandinavia seem to be particularly intense this summer.

Published Jul 23, 2018

Image of the Day Water Remote Sensing Water Color

Blooms in the Sea of Marmara

Blooms in the Sea of Marmara

Freshened surface water and abundant nutrients lead to an explosion of algae in the inland sea.

Published May 31, 2015

Image of the Day Life Water

Thick Ice in the Baltic Sea

Thick Ice in the Baltic Sea

Enough ice lines the coasts of Sweden and Finland in this natural-color image from March 5, 2010, that it is difficult to tell where the coast ends and the sea begins.

Published Mar 5, 2010

Sea and Lake Ice

Parting the Sea to Save Venice

Parting the Sea to Save Venice

The waters that once protected Venice now threaten it. A complex engineering project is being installed to beat back the tide.

Published Mar 25, 2014

Image of the Day Water Human Presence

Spring Color in the North Sea

Spring Color in the North Sea

Phytoplankton are usually most abundant in this area when spring melting and runoff freshen the water and add nutrients just as sunlight is increasing.

Published May 8, 2018

Image of the Day Water

Sea of Okhotsk

Sea of Okhotsk

Tucked between Siberia and Russia's frozen Kamchatka Peninsula, the Sea of Okhotsk was a field of ice in February 2007.

Published Feb 8, 2007

Image of the Day Atmosphere Land Water Snow and Ice

Wave Patterns Near Bajo Nuevo Reef, Caribbean Sea

Wave Patterns Near Bajo Nuevo Reef, Caribbean Sea

In these images captured by International Space Station astronauts on August 27, 2006, bright sunlight glinting off the western Caribbean Sea reveals intersecting wave patterns and oily surfactants on the surface waters around Bajo Nuevo Reef. Bajo Nuevo is a collection of small islets arranged into two U-shaped cays, low islands made of coral or sand. This pair of images shows the easternmost of the two cays (also known as “keys”) and surrounding waters.

Published Oct 2, 2006

Image of the Day Water

Coastlines of the Southern Baltic Sea

Coastlines of the Southern Baltic Sea

Sunglint provides compelling light for the coastlines of northern Europe.

Published Jul 22, 2014

Image of the Day Land Water

Southernmost Seasonal Sea Ice in the Northern Hemisphere

Southernmost Seasonal Sea Ice in the Northern Hemisphere

The Sea of Okhotsk is the lowest latitude area where sea ice forms each winter.

Published Jan 11, 2015

Image of the Day Snow and Ice

Mediterranean Sunglint

Mediterranean Sunglint

The play of sunlight on water gives definition to the jagged coastlines of Sardinia and Corsica.

Published Jun 14, 2020

Image of the Day Land Water

Dead Sea

Dead Sea

The lowest spot on dry land, the Dead Sea depression sinks 400 meters (1,300 feet) below sea level.

Published Nov 12, 2006

Image of the Day Land Life