How far can dust travel? Where does it come from? Explore the answers to these questions and make a model of how dust affects sky visibility in Dust a True World Traveler.
Explore how wildfire smoke travels in our sky and find out how NASA satellites track it in "Smoky Skies and Satellites." Plus, create your own data visualization.
EO Kids is discovering more about Earth’s ozone layer and about what happens when it gets damaged. Plus, create your own ozone hole map in our “Data Viz” activity: “Mapping Ozone.”
Find out about sea ice and its effects on ecosystems and global climate by looking at how and when it forms on Earth. Plus, learn how different types of water freeze in our “DIY Science” activity: “Saltwater is Cool (Literally).”
Take a breath of fresh air. Learn how the air we breathe has become cleaner in the latest issue of EO Kids, Cleaning Up Our Air
Satellites observe and track fires (and what they leave behind) across the world.
Find out what three NASA scientists wanted to be when they were young and discover what they do now. Then, be a scientist yourself, right now!