This color-coded image shows estimated rainfall amounts from April 14–20, 2010. Lowest amounts appear in pale green, and heaviest amounts appear in dark blue.
Published Apr 21, 20102019 has brought exceptional rain to some areas, and the monsoon is retreating later than any season in recent memory.
Published Oct 7, 2019Image of the Day Land Water Drought Floods Severe Storms Human Presence Remote Sensing Temperature Extremes
This color-coded map shows precipitation amounts over India, Nepal, and the surrounding region July 10 to 16, 2011.
Published Jul 21, 2011This analysis shows rainfall totals across southern India from September 29 to October 5, 2009. The heaviest rainfall appears in blue and the lightest rainfall appears in pale green. Rain extends from the Arabian Sea to the Bay of Bengal.
Published Oct 6, 2009By mid-July 2020, rainfall had triggered flooding and landslides that affected millions of people across South and East Asia.
Published Jul 22, 2020Image of the Day Atmosphere Land Water Floods Severe Storms Human Presence Remote Sensing
This color-coded image shows rainfall amounts in India, Bangladesh, and the Bay of Bengal from July 6 to 12, 2010.
Published Jul 13, 2010This color-coded image shows rainfall amounts over the southeastern United States from December 9 to 15, 2009. Heaviest amounts appear in blue and lightest amounts appear in green.
Published Dec 16, 2009California has been deluged by rainfall that is approaching records for the month of December.
Published Dec 22, 2010This color-coded map shows rainfall amounts in Malaysia and Indonesia from December 24, 2012, to January 6, 2013.
Published Jan 8, 2013This color-coded map shows precipitation amounts over northern Italy from November 6 to 13, 2012.
Published Nov 22, 2012This color-coded image shows rainfall over India, Sri Lanka, and the Bay of Bengal from November 1 to 7, 2010, and the storm track for Jal from November 5 to November 7, 2010.
Published Nov 8, 2010