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Images related to Venice Lagoon

Laguna de Términos

Laguna de Términos

Mexico’s largest coastal lagoon supports an array of vegetation and marine life.

Published Sep 4, 2017

Image of the Day Land Water Human Presence

Songor Lagoon, Ghana

Songor Lagoon, Ghana

Published Dec 4, 2005

Image of the Day Land Water

Curonian Spit

Curonian Spit

In the southeastern corner of the Baltic Sea lies a skinny stretch of land. Known as the Curonian (or Courland) Spit, it separates the Curonian Lagoon (also known as the Courland Lagoon) from the Baltic Sea. Both the spit and the lagoon fall within the borders of Lithuania and Russia’s Kaliningrad Oblast.

Published Nov 2, 2007

Image of the Day Land Life Water

Lagoa Mirim

Lagoa Mirim

This lagoon along the Brazil-Uruguay border formed when sea level was much higher, and has since evolved from a marine to freshwater lake.

Published Jan 16, 2017

Image of the Day Land Life Water

Parting the Sea to Save Venice

Parting the Sea to Save Venice

The waters that once protected Venice now threaten it. A complex engineering project is being installed to beat back the tide.

Published Mar 25, 2014

Image of the Day Water Human Presence

Lagoa Mangueira

Lagoa Mangueira

Sand spits and other wind- and wave-built patterns distinguish the south coast of Brazil.

Published May 2, 2016

Image of the Day Land Water

Laguna Ojo de Liebre, Mexico

Laguna Ojo de Liebre, Mexico

Acquired September 18, 2009, this true-color image of Laguna Ojo de Liebre on Baja California shows the margins of industrialized salt works in the east and a famed marine mammal wintering site in the west.

Published Sep 27, 2009

Image of the Day Life Water Human Presence

Venice, Italy

Venice, Italy

Published Sep 27, 2003

Image of the Day Land

Venice, Italy

Venice, Italy

A space-based perspective of the city of Venice quickly reveals different development and land uses in the region; the major islands in the lagoon surrounding Venice—Laguna Veneta—look different from one another. The island of Venice itself, a dense urban landscape, appears almost uniformly covered with red-tiled roofs. By contrast, port facilities and the train station at the west end of the island appear in shades of gray.

Published Apr 23, 2007

Image of the Day Land

Millennium Island, Kiribati

Millennium Island, Kiribati

This astronaut photo of Millennium Island shows emerald islets surrounding a turquoise lagoon dotted with coral.

Published Jul 13, 2009

Image of the Day Land Water

Iceland’s Glacial Lagoon

Iceland’s Glacial Lagoon

Speckled with blue and white icebergs, the Jökulsárlón glacial lagoon is a stunning landscape, but also a relatively new one.

Published Dec 12, 2019

Image of the Day Snow and Ice

Aquaculture in the Nile Delta

Aquaculture in the Nile Delta

In the last three decades, Egypt has greatly modified a series of lagoons and lakes along the northeast coast of the Nile Delta for the production of fish. Partial sunglint in this astronaut photograph reveals numerous details in one such fishery. Sunglint is light reflected directly back from a surface—usually water—to the viewer (or to a camera or satellite sensor). Waves generated by northwesterly winds (lower left to upper right in this view) have created the frond-like sand spit along the coast (image top). Faint sea swells are visible at image upper left as a pattern of dark and light lines. Dark patches in the center of the image are shadows cast by small clouds, which appear pewter-gray compared to the golden sunglint on the watery surfaces below.

Published Oct 30, 2006

Image of the Day Life Water

Atolls in the Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia

Atolls in the Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia

These two images of the Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia, illustrate diversity in the morphology of atolls, one of the major types of coral reef formations. A typical atoll structure is a lagoon surrounded by a closed rim of cays and shallow spillways that control the exchange of water between the ocean and the lagoon. However, like human beings, this general scheme may vary according to the history of each individual atoll, resulting in a high diversity of morphology, especially for small atolls. The two neighboring atolls shown here have some unique features. What was a lagoon on Nukutavake (19°17′ S 138°48′ W, 6.2 km²) is now dry and completely covered by vegetation. Pinaki (3.54 km²) has a drying shallow lagoon still connected to the ocean via a single narrow spillway. The variation of morphology implies that each atoll may have a different equilibrium between ocean, lagoon, and land ecosystems.

Published Jul 1, 2001

Image of the Day Land Water

Santorini, Greece

Santorini, Greece

The islands of this tourist mecca are actually the rim of an old volcano.

Published Oct 17, 2016

Image of the Day Land Water Human Presence

Manihiki Atoll

Manihiki Atoll

One of the larger islands in the remote Cook Island chain of the Central Pacific has the classic features of a coral atoll.

Published Nov 9, 2015

Image of the Day Land Water Human Presence

Doha, Qatar

Doha, Qatar

The old and new zones of Doha, capital city of Qatar, are clearly visible from space, as is the Persian Gulf emirate’s new artificial island, The Pearl.

Published Dec 20, 2010

Image of the Day Land Human Presence