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Images related to Lower Mississippi River Remains Swollen

Lingering Floods along the Mississippi River

Lingering Floods along the Mississippi River

Acquired May 20, 2011, and April 14, 2011, these false-color images show water levels along the Mississippi River.

Published May 23, 2011

Land Floods

Floods Continue along the Mississippi River

Floods Continue along the Mississippi River

Acquired May 8, 2011, April 29, 2011, and May 3, 2010, these false-color images show water levels along the Mississippi River between Memphis and Vicksburg.

Published May 9, 2011

Land Floods

Water in the Morganza Floodway

Water in the Morganza Floodway

Acquired May 18, 2011, and May 4, 2011, these false-color images show flooded conditions along the Lower Mississippi River, including diverted water entering the Morganza Floodway on May 18.

Published May 18, 2011


Lingering Floodwaters near Vicksburg, Mississippi

Lingering Floodwaters near Vicksburg, Mississippi

These false-color images compare conditions along the Mississippi and Yazoo Rivers around Vicksburg in June 2011, during heavy flooding, and three years earlier.

Published Jun 14, 2011

Land Floods

Rising Waters on the Lower Mississippi

Rising Waters on the Lower Mississippi

Acquired May 15, 2011, April 29, 2011, and May 4, 2010, these false-color images show conditions along the Lower Mississippi River.

Published May 16, 2011

Land Floods

Flooding reaches Vicksburg, Mississippi

Flooding reaches Vicksburg, Mississippi

The Mississippi River is rising around Vicksburg, Mississippi, in this image taken on May 10, 2011.

Published May 11, 2011


Floods Spread South along the Mississippi River

Floods Spread South along the Mississippi River

Acquired May 5, 2011, and May 5, 2010, these false-color images compared flood conditions in 2011 to calmer conditions one year earlier.

Published May 7, 2011

Image of the Day Land Floods

Winter Flooding on the Mississippi

Winter Flooding on the Mississippi

Persistent rains and saturated soils across the watershed swelled the river to its banks and occasionally onto floodplains.

Published Feb 4, 2020

Image of the Day Water Floods Severe Storms

Lingering Floods in Louisiana

Lingering Floods in Louisiana

Acquired June 8, 2011, and June 9, 2010, these false-color images compare conditions along the Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers in Louisiana.

Published Jun 9, 2011


Floods in the U.S. Midwest

Floods in the U.S. Midwest

Published Jun 17, 2008


Rising Waters on the Mississippi River

Rising Waters on the Mississippi River

Acquired March 1 and 20, 2011, these false-color images show rising waters on the Mississippi River and some of its tributaries.

Published Mar 21, 2011

Land Floods

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