Over the past two decades, an Alaskan glacier has melted into a lake more than five times the size of Central Park.
Published May 23, 2019For half a century, it has been the one known Alaskan glacier to withstand the effects of climate change—until now.
Published Nov 5, 2019This pair of images shows the retreat of the Sermersuaq (Humboldt) Glacier in northwestern Greenland between 2000 and 2008. Sermersuaq Glacier is the widest tidewater glacier in the Northern Hemisphere.
Published Dec 16, 2008The amount of ice flowing from the Antarctic glacier has doubled in the span of three decades, and scientists think it could undergo even more dramatic changes in the near future.
Published Feb 6, 2020New Zealand’s longest glacier has shrunk in recent decades. Meanwhile, the lake at its terminus has grown.
Published Mar 26, 2017In the early summer of 2011, the Medvezhiy Glacier in Tajikistan slid abruptly down its valley, creating a glacial lake.
Published Jul 30, 2011Acquired in 2001 and 2010, these natural-color images show substantial retreat in the Jakobshavn Glacier.
Published Jul 15, 2010The recent retreat of the glacier’s West Branch took scientists by surprise.
Published Oct 31, 2014Views from above show the extent of change across Alaska’s Glacier Bay National Park.
Published Aug 13, 2020The fast-changing glacier is threatening a popular hiking area in the western Alps.
Published Oct 2, 2019The moraines of Malaspina glacier display a dizzying pattern of curves, zigzags, and loops.
Published Oct 11, 2015The looping medial moraines on Tajikistan’s Bivachny glacier offer a clue of periods when it surged rapidly forward.
Published Mar 17, 2015NIWA scientists stated that this glacier had retreated by 5 kilometers (about 3 miles) over the previous three decades. They also stated that New Zealand glaciers on the whole had lost 5.8 cubic kilometers (roughly 1.4 cubic miles) over the same time period.
Published Jan 27, 2008Retreating glaciers have changed how visitors experience Glacier Bay National Park in southeast Alaska.
Published Aug 31, 2020Image of the Day Heat Land Water Snow and Ice Remote Sensing
In this changing Alaskan landscape, tidewater glaciers are holding on to the bay’s West Arm.
Published Sep 16, 2020Image of the Day Heat Land Water Snow and Ice Remote Sensing
Ferrar Glacier begins at Taylor Dome and flows toward the Ross Sea. North of it, an unusual feature known as “Blood Falls” stains ice bright red in one of Antarctica’s rare dry valleys.
Published Jun 23, 2013