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Astronaut Photography

Nabro Volcano Before Eruption

Nabro Volcano Before Eruption

Astronauts on the International Space Station snapped this photograph of the volcano in Eritrea just months before it erupted for the first time in recorded history.

Published Jun 20, 2011

Image of the Day Land Volcanoes

Estuaries, Northwest Coast of Madagascar

Estuaries, Northwest Coast of Madagascar

This astronaut photograph highlights two biologically productive estuaries on the coast of Madagascar.

Published Jun 13, 2011

Image of the Day Land Water

Äzmir, Turkey

Äzmir, Turkey

Ä°zmir is Turkey’s third most populous city and its second largest port, and its history dates back at least 3,500 years.

Published Jun 6, 2011

Image of the Day Human Presence

Ar Rub’ al Khali Sand Sea, Arabian Peninsula

Ar Rub’ al Khali Sand Sea, Arabian Peninsula

The Ar Rub’ al Khali, or Empty Quarter, covers much of the south-central portion of the Arabian Peninsula and is the largest continuous sand desert on Earth.

Published May 30, 2011

Image of the Day Land

U.S. Atlantic Seaboard at Night

U.S. Atlantic Seaboard at Night

One of the largest conurbations in the world is located along East Coast of the United States, and stretches from Boston to Washington.

Published May 23, 2011

Image of the Day Land Human Presence

River Deltas, Lake Ayakum, Tibet

River Deltas, Lake Ayakum, Tibet

This astronaut photograph highlights two river deltas along the southwestern shoreline of Lake Ayakum, near the northern boundary of the Tibetan Plateau.

Published May 9, 2011

Image of the Day Land

Sunset over Western South America

Sunset over Western South America

The changeover between day and night is marked by the terminator, a line on Earth's surface separating the sunlit side from the darkness.

Published Apr 25, 2011

Image of the Day Atmosphere Land

Bassas da India in Sunglint

Bassas da India in Sunglint

A photograph of an uninhabited atoll in the Indian Ocean has an almost surreal quality due to varying degrees of sunglint.

Published Apr 18, 2011

Image of the Day Water

One Pinnacle of Human Achievement to Another

One Pinnacle of Human Achievement to Another

Astronauts on flight STS-1 captured this view of the Tigris and Euphrates through a viewport on the space shuttle during its first flight in April 1981.

Published Apr 13, 2011

Image of the Day Land Human Presence

Irrigation along the Shebelle River

Irrigation along the Shebelle River

The Shebelle River has its headwaters in the Ethiopian Highlands, and transports water and sediment 1,000 kilometers to the southeast across Ethiopia and into Somalia.

Published Apr 11, 2011

Image of the Day Land

Two Low Pressure Systems, Northeastern Pacific

Two Low Pressure Systems, Northeastern Pacific

In these astronaut photographs from the ISS cupola, two distinct cyclonic vortices whirl within an area of low pressure that spanned the Pacific coast from southern California to Vancouver Island.

Published Apr 4, 2011

Image of the Day Atmosphere

Central Tien Shan, China

Central Tien Shan, China

This astronaut photograph provides a view of the central Tien Shan mountains east of where the borders of China, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan meet.

Published Mar 28, 2011

Image of the Day Land

Cat Island, Bahamas

Cat Island, Bahamas

Once named San Salvador, the island may be where Christopher Columbus made his first landfall in the Americas.

Published Mar 21, 2011

Image of the Day Land Water

Tsunami Damage Viewed for the Space Station

Tsunami Damage Viewed for the Space Station

Taken March 13, 2011, this astronaut photograph shows the Japanese coast north of the city of Sendai, in the wake of a devastating earthquake and tsunami.

Published Mar 15, 2011

Land Water Floods Human Presence Earthquakes

Milan at Night

Milan at Night

Milan, the largest city in Italy, is one of Europe’s major transportation, industrial, and commercial hubs, and a global center of fashion and culture.

Published Mar 14, 2011

Image of the Day Land Human Presence

Médano Blanco Coastal Dunes, Argentina

Médano Blanco Coastal Dunes, Argentina

Narrow cordons of coastal dunes stretch for hundreds of kilometers along Argentina’s coast, including the Médano Blanco dunes near the arid and windy border of Patagonia.

Published Mar 7, 2011

Image of the Day Land

Better ISS Window, Better View of Earth

Better ISS Window, Better View of Earth

NASA recently improved the view from the space station, as displayed in this January 2011 photograph of That Choeng Shum, Thailand.

Published Mar 5, 2011

Image of the Day Land Human Presence Remote Sensing

Emi Koussi Volcano, Chad

Emi Koussi Volcano, Chad

At 3,415 meters above sea level, the summit is the highest of Africa’s Sahara region.

Published Feb 14, 2011

Image of the Day Heat Land

Onekotan Island, Kuril Islands, Russian Federation

Onekotan Island, Kuril Islands, Russian Federation

Snow cover highlights the calderas and volcanic cones that form the northern and southern ends of Onekotan Island, part of the Kuril Island arc.

Published Jan 24, 2011

Image of the Day Land Snow and Ice

Flooding in Brisbane Suburbs

Flooding in Brisbane Suburbs

Acquired January 13, 2011 by astronauts aboard the ISS, this photograph shows extensive flooding in the Brisbane suburb of Rocklea.

Published Jan 18, 2011

Image of the Day Land Floods Human Presence

North Col of Mount Everest

North Col of Mount Everest

This astronaut photograph highlights the northern approach to the world’s tallest mountain.

Published Jan 17, 2011

Image of the Day Land Snow and Ice

Montreal at Night

Montreal at Night

Montreal, the largest city in the mostly French-speaking Province of Quebec, is considered by some to be the cultural capital of Canada.

Published Jan 10, 2011

Image of the Day Human Presence

Tidal Flats and Channels, Long Island, Bahamas

Tidal Flats and Channels, Long Island, Bahamas

The islands are situated on large depositional platforms composed mainly of carbonate sediments and ringed by reefs.

Published Jan 3, 2011

Image of the Day Land Water

Cities at Night, Northern China

Cities at Night, Northern China

This astronaut photograph features two of China’s most populous cities: Beijing and Tianjin.

Published Dec 27, 2010

Image of the Day Human Presence

Doha, Qatar

Doha, Qatar

The old and new zones of Doha, capital city of Qatar, are clearly visible from space, as is the Persian Gulf emirate’s new artificial island, The Pearl.

Published Dec 20, 2010

Image of the Day Land Human Presence

Las Vegas at Night

Las Vegas at Night

The desert darkness contrasts starkly with the brightly lit street grid of Las Vegas in this photo from the International Space Station.

Published Dec 13, 2010

Image of the Day Human Presence

Kamchatka Volcanoes

Kamchatka Volcanoes

This photograph of snow-covered volcanoes on Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula illustrates one of the unique attributes of the International Space Station—the ability to view landscapes at an angle, rather than the straight down view typical of many satellite-based sensors.

Published Dec 6, 2010

Image of the Day Land

Kathmandu, Nepal

Kathmandu, Nepal

The capital and largest city of Nepal, Kathmandu, occupies much of the valley located near the center of the country.

Published Nov 29, 2010

Image of the Day Land Human Presence

Nevado Coropuna, Peru

Nevado Coropuna, Peru

Nevado Coropuna is the highest volcanic peak in Peru.

Published Nov 22, 2010

Image of the Day Land

Settling on the Coast

Settling on the Coast

Cape Cod is a haven for rocks and people who have washed up on American shores.

Published Nov 21, 2010

Image of the Day Land