EO Kids

Sipping Snow in the Sierras ( 10 MB) – October 2021

Did you know that some of the water you drink may have started as snow? Explore how snowmelt becomes water for you and for crops too in Sipping Snow in the Sierras. Plus, you can do a cool experiment and find out how much water snow leaves behind.

Earth Observatory stories highlighted in this issue of EO Kids:

EO Kids is written for audiences aged 9 to 14. It is published with support from NASA’s Landsat, Terra, and Aqua missions.

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Mission Biomes

Mission: Biomes online interactive activity to support learning and awareness of seven terrestrial biomes.

Picturing Earth From the Space Station

Picturing Earth From the Space Station

Find out what it takes to be a space photographer on the International Space Station (ISS), play a data detective game and build your landform recognition skills like an astronaut.

Smoky Skies and Satellites

Smoky Skies and Satellites

Explore how wildfire smoke travels in our sky and find out how NASA satellites track it in "Smoky Skies and Satellites." Plus, create your own data visualization.