Calcium carbonate particles discolored nearly the entirely surface of one of the Great Lakes in August 2013.
Published Sep 2, 2013Lake Ontario, Lake Huron, the Finger Lakes of New York, and numerous other bodies of water are brilliantly lit by sunglint in this astronaut photograph.
Published Jul 22, 2012Pyramid Lake, in western Nevada, is a remnant of the ancient and much larger Lake Lahontan that formed during the last Ice Age.
Published Oct 18, 2010Astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle and Space Station have tracked regional environmental changes spanning decades. Lake Chapala, Mexico’s largest lake, serves as one example of an area experiencing significant changes that have been well documented from space. Over the past twenty years, the lake’s water levels have decreased in conjunction with increasing development from the fast-growing city of Guadalajara.
Published Aug 30, 2004Algae blooms, whiting events, and wind-stirred sediments are part of a dynamic yearly pattern in the surface waters of this Great Lake.
Published Jun 16, 2016The usually dry, inland lake in Australia came alive with color after flood waters arrived in the late summer of 2017.
Published Feb 27, 2017Long and short. Deep and shallow. Salty and fresh. Blue and brown. These are Africa’s Lake Tanganyika and Lake Rukwa.
Published Jun 20, 2019Lake Erie’s shallowness not only makes it more prone to fluctuating water levels, but also enables this lake to freeze and thaw more readily than its neighbors.
Published Mar 16, 2007The green-brown waters of Lake Barkol sit within the pale shorelines of an ancient lake, hinting that the climate was once much wetter in this part of western China.
Published Jun 21, 2014The largest freshwater lake in Mongolia is known as the “sister” to Lake Baikal. Together they hold 20 percent of the fresh water on the planet.
Published Dec 18, 2017The 2015 season could be severe in Lake Erie and surrounding waters.
Published Aug 4, 2015Salt and algae lend color to the bed of this desert lake in Iran.
Published Feb 20, 2017Inle Lake is home to floating tomato farms and booming tourism.
Published Apr 1, 2015In the desert, a lake shows a long fight between water, wind, and climate.
Published Feb 20, 2012