Fine particles of pollution lodge deep in the lungs, where they cause serious health problems. Scientists are working to tally the global consequences.
Published Sep 19, 2013Solid particles and liquid droplets in the air come in a range of sizes, but those smaller than 2.5 micrometers pose the greatest risk to human health.
Published Nov 9, 2010Smoke from fires in southwestern Oregon drifted over much of Oregon in this true color image from late September 2009. The associated aerosol image reveals that the smoke reached as far east as eastern Montana and central Canada, illustrating that pollution travels long distances.
Published Oct 21, 2009Satellite data show that aerosol levels have dropped significantly since the COVID-19 lockdown began.
Published Apr 20, 2020Image of the Day Atmosphere Dust and Haze Human Presence Remote Sensing
Improved data from several satellites illustrates how concentrations of fine particulate pollution have changed over time.
Published Jun 24, 2015NASA’s Aura satellite observes nitrogen dioxide hovering over many cities in the region, trapped by winter weather conditions.
Published Jan 18, 2013Smog and haze-filled clouds blanketed Beijing and other parts of China.
Published Jan 15, 2013Image of the Day Atmosphere Land Dust and Haze Human Presence
New research shows that the amount, size, and source of aerosol particles hovering in the air over India changes by season.
Published Nov 24, 2010A new study suggests that health and climate benefits may come from unexpected parts of the world.
Published Feb 9, 2017This series of images, derived from a computer model, shows wind-blown dust from North Africa as it spread over the Atlantic Ocean on July 1, 2009.
Published Dec 18, 2010Kaufman served as program manager for NASA’s Earth Observatory from its launch in April 1999, through January 2006.
Published Jun 8, 2006The skies over northern India are some of the haziest—but also most variable—in the world.
Published Nov 14, 2014Air pollution is less common in southern China, but Guangdong province can still get pretty hazy.
Published Jan 23, 2018An outbreak of severe pollution prompted officials in Paris to bar half of all vehicles from the roads.
Published Mar 18, 2014Air pollution far more severe than what’s common today used to plague many American towns and cities.
Published Sep 2, 2014A collaborative field study seeks to advance NASA’s ability to monitor air quality from space.
Published Mar 2, 2016The haze particles blanketing eastern China harm human health, and they have a cooling effect on the climate.
Published Dec 1, 2015Image of the Day Atmosphere Land Dust and Haze Human Presence Snow and Ice
Beijing suffers from severe air pollution. The air quality in Beijing is determined by its geography, weather conditions, and anthropogenic emissions.
Published Apr 22, 2009