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Images related to Ship Wave Clouds Behind the Crozet Islands

Wave Clouds from South Sandwich Islands

Wave Clouds from South Sandwich Islands

Acquired November 23, 2009, this true-color image shows wave clouds formed by air currents passing over the South Sandwich Islands. The islands anchor the V-shaped clouds that spread out toward the east.

Published Nov 25, 2009

Image of the Day Atmosphere Land

Sandwiched Wave Clouds

Sandwiched Wave Clouds

As winds streamed past the South Sandwich Islands, the disrupted flow created an interlocking series of wave clouds.

Published Feb 28, 2020

Image of the Day Atmosphere

Ship Wave Clouds over the North Sea

Ship Wave Clouds over the North Sea

An intricate interaction of waves shapes the clouds in the North Sea, making patterns that echo basic principles of nature.

Published Nov 25, 2011

Image of the Day Atmosphere

Waves in the Sky Behind the Auckland Islands

Waves in the Sky Behind the Auckland Islands

This distinctive V-shaped wave pattern can emerge behind mountains, ships, and ducks.

Published Dec 17, 2017

Image of the Day Atmosphere Water

Wave Clouds Behind the Prince Edward Islands

Wave Clouds Behind the Prince Edward Islands

The troughs and ridges of atmospheric waves created a distinctive pattern in the clouds.

Published Nov 21, 2015

Image of the Day Atmosphere Unique Imagery

Wave Clouds off West Africa

Wave Clouds off West Africa

Like ripples on a pond, a series of long, circular wave clouds radiate out from the coast of West Africa in this pair of photo-like images.

Published Oct 20, 2007

Image of the Day Atmosphere Water

Sharp Line in the Clouds

Sharp Line in the Clouds

Dry air surging off the western coast of Africa ran into a wall of moist air over the Atlantic, creating a distinctive line in a marine cloud layer.

Published Feb 28, 2013

Image of the Day Atmosphere

Cloud Wakes from Juan Fernandez Islands

Cloud Wakes from Juan Fernandez Islands

Acquired April 29, 2011, this natural-color image shows wakes created by the Juan Fernandez Islands off the coast of Chile.

Published May 31, 2011

Image of the Day Atmosphere

Waves by Air and Sea

Waves by Air and Sea

When an eastward flow of air hit the Balleny Islands, it formed a wave pattern in the clouds and on the ocean surface.

Published Dec 8, 2017

Image of the Day Atmosphere Water

The Undulations of Wave Clouds

The Undulations of Wave Clouds

When undular bores ripple through the atmosphere, they leave remarkable patterns in the clouds.

Published Oct 9, 2020

Image of the Day Atmosphere Water Unique Imagery

Wave Clouds Near Amsterdam Island

Wave Clouds Near Amsterdam Island

The island itself is almost too small see in this image, but it serves as the starting point for the clouds that flow toward the northeast in a giant V shape. Amsterdam Island is a volcanic summit, the northernmost volcano on the Antarctic tectonic plate.

Published Dec 30, 2005

Image of the Day Atmosphere

Waving at the Kerguelen Islands

Waving at the Kerguelen Islands

They are geographically isolated but scientifically and visually compelling.

Published Mar 22, 2020

Image of the Day Land

Plumes Hiding Behind the South Sandwich Islands

Plumes Hiding Behind the South Sandwich Islands

False-color imagery pulls out a volcanic plume from marine-layer clouds over the South Atlantic Ocean.

Published May 11, 2014

Image of the Day Atmosphere

Raised by Fire, Felled by Ice

Raised by Fire, Felled by Ice

Events on Earth’s surface can affect the development and shape of clouds in the sky.

Published Jan 3, 2017

Image of the Day Heat Land Water Snow and Ice Remote Sensing

Unusual Wave Clouds over the Aral Sea

Unusual Wave Clouds over the Aral Sea

Distinctive lines of clouds that mirror the shape of the shore hang over the Aral Sea in this photo-like image.

Published Mar 25, 2009

Image of the Day Atmosphere

Wave Clouds behind Amsterdam Island

Wave Clouds behind Amsterdam Island

The troughs and ridges of atmospheric waves created a distinctive pattern in the clouds.

Published Nov 30, 2014

Image of the Day Atmosphere

Kerguelen Kelp Beds, Southern Indian Ocean

Kerguelen Kelp Beds, Southern Indian Ocean

This astronaut photo from January 6, 2009, shows giant kelp beds in the waters surrounding Mac Murdo and Howe Islands—2 of the 300 islands that make up the Kerguélen Archipelago in the southern Indian Ocean.

Published Mar 2, 2009

Image of the Day Life

Wave Clouds Near Île aux Cochons, Southern Indian Ocean

Wave Clouds Near Île aux Cochons, Southern Indian Ocean

Chevron-shaped clouds form downwind of the isolated volcanic island.

Published Apr 23, 2012

Image of the Day Atmosphere