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Images related to Aerosol Optical Depth in 2006

TOMS Aerosol Index

TOMS Aerosol Index

Published Dec 27, 2000

Image of the Day Atmosphere

Remembering Yoram Kaufman

Remembering Yoram Kaufman

Kaufman served as program manager for NASA’s Earth Observatory from its launch in April 1999, through January 2006.

Published Jun 8, 2006

Image of the Day Atmosphere

Airborne Particle Levels Plummet in Northern India

Airborne Particle Levels Plummet in Northern India

Satellite data show that aerosol levels have dropped significantly since the COVID-19 lockdown began.

Published Apr 20, 2020

Image of the Day Atmosphere Dust and Haze Human Presence Remote Sensing

Distinguishing Natural Aerosols from Human Pollution

Distinguishing Natural Aerosols from Human Pollution

By measuring precisely how much light is reflected at visible and near-infrared wavelengths, the MODIS sensors can also distinguish between aerosol plumes of large particles (more than 1 micrometer) and small particles (less than 1 micrometer).

Published Sep 18, 2002

Image of the Day Atmosphere

Dust blowing out of West Africa

Dust blowing out of West Africa

Satellite instruments such as CALIPSO can measure the distribution of aerosols in a vertical slice of the atmosphere, as with this dust plume off the west coast of Africa on April 22, 2010.

Published Nov 27, 2010

Image of the Day Atmosphere Remote Sensing

Drought and Air Quality in August 2010

Drought and Air Quality in August 2010

This global map shows high concentrations of aerosols, particles in the atmosphere, over drought-afflicted Russia and South America in August 2010.

Published Sep 18, 2010

Image of the Day Atmosphere

Smoke from Fires in Russia and Alaska

Smoke from Fires in Russia and Alaska

This false-color image shows where airborne particles absorbed sunlight over the Arctic on August 1-2, 2009. The aerosols resulted from multiple large fires in the region.

Published Aug 12, 2009

Atmosphere Dust and Haze