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Images related to Rising Waters on the Minnesota and Mississippi Rivers

Rising Rivers in the U.S. Midwest

Rising Rivers in the U.S. Midwest

Acquired April 12, 2011, and March 2, 2011, these false-color images show retreating snows and rising rivers in the U.S. Midwest.

Published Apr 14, 2011

Land Floods

Retreating Snow and Advancing Water in the Upper Midwest

Retreating Snow and Advancing Water in the Upper Midwest

Acquired April 6, 2011, March 28, 2011, and February 28, 2011, these false-color images show the retreat of snow and advance of water in Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Published Apr 8, 2011

Image of the Day Land Floods Snow and Ice

Rising Waters in St. Paul

Rising Waters in St. Paul

Acquired on March 17, 2010 (top), and August 5, 2009 (bottom), these false-color images show differences in vegetation and river levels at different times of year.

Published Mar 20, 2010

Land Floods

Rising Waters on the James River

Rising Waters on the James River

Acquired April 4, 2011, and March 5, 2011, these false-color images show snow cover retreat and rising rivers in South Dakota.

Published Apr 5, 2011

Land Floods

Rising Waters on the Mississippi River

Rising Waters on the Mississippi River

Acquired March 1 and 20, 2011, these false-color images show rising waters on the Mississippi River and some of its tributaries.

Published Mar 21, 2011

Land Floods

Flood Waters along the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers

Flood Waters along the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers

Acquired April 5 and 20, these images compare conditions along the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers, where flooding struck in the spring of 2013.

Published Apr 24, 2013

Image of the Day Land Water Floods

High Waters along the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers

High Waters along the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers

Acquired March 12, 2011, and February 12, 2011, these false-color images show parts of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers before and after melting snow raised water levels.

Published Mar 14, 2011

Land Floods

Early Spring Floods in Indiana

Early Spring Floods in Indiana

Swollen rivers and greening land in this image of southern Indiana on March 1, 2011, are signs that spring is approaching.

Published Mar 3, 2011

Image of the Day Land Floods Snow and Ice

High Waters along the Mississippi River

High Waters along the Mississippi River

Acquired May 8, 2011, and April 29, 2011, these false-color images show rising water levels along the Mississippi River.

Published May 8, 2011

Land Floods

Floods in the U.S. Midwest

Floods in the U.S. Midwest

Published Jun 17, 2008
