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Images related to Dust blowing out of West Africa

Remembering Yoram Kaufman

Remembering Yoram Kaufman

Kaufman served as program manager for NASA’s Earth Observatory from its launch in April 1999, through January 2006.

Published Jun 8, 2006

Image of the Day Atmosphere

Studying Smoke Above the Clouds

Studying Smoke Above the Clouds

A growing body of research indicates that smoke above clouds can have important consequences for the climate.

Published May 11, 2016

Image of the Day Atmosphere Fires

TOMS Aerosol Index

TOMS Aerosol Index

Published Dec 27, 2000

Image of the Day Atmosphere

Tracing Aerosols to their Smoky and Sandy Sources

Tracing Aerosols to their Smoky and Sandy Sources

The aerosol index offers a way to see the long reach of forest fires and dust storms.

Published Jul 29, 2014

Image of the Day Atmosphere Fires