Lusi, the world’s largest and fastest growing mud volcano, had developed the mound-like shape of a volcano when this false-color image was acquired in October 2009, two and a half years after its birth.
This image from February 11, 2010, shows several mud volcanoes that rise from the desert landscape of southern Pakistan, along the coast of the Arabian Sea.
The eruption of Santa Maria volcano in 1902 was one of the largest eruptions of the 20th century, forming a large crater on the mountain’s southwest flank. Since 1922, a lava-dome complex, Santiaguito, has been forming in the 1902 crater. Growth of the dome has produced pyroclastic flows as recently as the 2001—they can be identified in this image. The volcano is considered dangerous because of the possibility of a dome collapse such as one that occurred in 1929, which killed about 5000 people. A second hazard results from the flow of volcanic debris into rivers south of Santiaguito, which can lead tocatastrophic flooding and mud flows.