The desert Southwest endured more than three weeks of extreme temperatures in July 2023.
Image of the Day Heat Temperature Extremes
This color-coded map shows above- and below-normal temperatures in early July 2010, when a heat wave struck much of North America and Eurasia.
Image of the Day Land
Extreme heat broke meteorological records, canceled flights, and made life miserable for millions of people.
Image of the Day Heat Land
This map depicts land surface temperature anomalies for July 20 to 27, 2011, in the midst of a month-long heatwave across much of the United States.
Image of the Day Heat Land Life Temperature Extremes
Humidity and the abrupt onset of extremely high temperatures have killed thousands of people in India.
Image of the Day Heat
Extreme temperatures and humidity affected millions of people in the Midwest, Great Plains, and South in August 2023.
Image of the Day Heat Human Presence Temperature Extremes
Temperature Extremes
All-time national and regional records for summer temperatures have fallen several times in recent weeks.
Image of the Day
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