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Images related to Legends of the Egyptian Temples

Central Madrid

Central Madrid

Madrid is the political, economic, and cultural center of Spain.

Published Sep 12, 2016

Image of the Day Land Human Presence

Cairo, Egypt

Cairo, Egypt

Published Sep 27, 2002

Image of the Day Land Life

National Stadium of Brasília

National Stadium of Brasília

Astronauts have the best view of the city’s well-known “swept wing” city layout, which takes the form of a flying bird that is expressed in the curves of the boulevards. The stadium sits between the wings.

Published Jun 16, 2014

Image of the Day Unique Imagery Human Presence

Rome, Italy

Rome, Italy

Published Jun 14, 2003

Image of the Day Land Life

New Ground for an Ancient City

New Ground for an Ancient City

The fast-growing city of Cairo has spilled onto desert plains well beyond the lush floodplain of the Nile River.

Published Apr 2, 2020

Image of the Day Land



Rome holds about 2.7 million people and rests 12 miles inland from the Mediterranean Sea halfway down Italy’s west coast. In the above image, the city appears as a grayish mass.

Published Nov 15, 2002

Image of the Day Land Life

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Mongolia’s capital city of Ulaanbaatar occupies a valley along the Tuul River. Roughly 1,350 meters above sea level, and over 47 degrees north of the Equator, the city rests atop a sporadic permafrost zone, and ranks among the world’s coldest national capitals.

Published Aug 18, 2009

Image of the Day Land Human Presence

Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw, Poland

From the wreckage of World War II, Poles rebuilt a part of their 800-year history in the midst of a thoroughly modern city.

Published Mar 4, 2014

Image of the Day Land Human Presence

Pyramids at Giza, Egypt

Pyramids at Giza, Egypt

The tombs of the old pharaohs are a favorite subject of photography by astronauts in orbit.

Published Sep 24, 2012

Image of the Day Human Presence

Pyramids of Dashur, Egypt

Pyramids of Dashur, Egypt

While the pyramids of Giza are perhaps the most famous, there are several other ancient Egyptian royal necropolis (“city of the dead”) sites situated along the Nile River and its delta. One of these sites is near the village of Dashur, illustrated in this astronaut photograph.

Published Aug 11, 2008

Image of the Day Land Life

Madrid, Spain

Madrid, Spain

Published Nov 7, 2003

Image of the Day Land