For the first time in nearly 250 years, the Kambalny Volcano ejected ash.
Image of the Day Atmosphere Land Volcanoes
This image shows a steam plume rising from the ash-stained Shiveluch Volcano on May 10, 2009.
Russia’s Klyuchevskaya Volcano continues its frequent but relatively mild volcanic activity.
Land Volcanoes
Image of the Day Heat Land Volcanoes
Shiveluch and Klyuchevskaya volcanoes were busily puffing away in early January 2018.
An eruption from one of the most active volcanoes on the Kamchatka Peninsula deposited a long trail of ash across the landscape.
Image of the Day Volcanoes Remote Sensing
Autumn provides a colorful backdrop for the erupting Sheveluch volcano in this remarkably cloud-free view of Kamchatka taken on October 16.
Image of the Day Land Volcanoes
Acquired February 13, 2010, this image shows a plume rising from Shiveluch Volcano and dark flows streaking the southern slopes.
Atmosphere Land Volcanoes
Shiveluch and Klyuchevskaya Volcanoes send ash plumes above Kamchatka.
Klyuchevskaya Volcano on Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula was covered in ash on March 10, 2010.
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