The National Biomass and Carbon Dataset reveals the location and the carbon storage of forests in the United States.
Published Jan 11, 2012New maps show an estimate of the carbon stored in tropical forests and how sure scientists are about those estimates.
Published Jan 18, 2012Mapping the density and location of tree cover can help the nation reduce deforestation and offset carbon emissions.
Published Nov 5, 2015The amount of carbon that is being stored by trees and how it has changed over time is the least understood aspect of the global carbon cycle.
Published Jan 27, 2020From the Pacific Northwest—home of the towering redwoods&mdash to the Southern Appalachians, this map shows forest canopy heights across the United States.
Published Jul 22, 2010This pair of images show patterns of forest clearing and regrowth in Wasghington state over 26 years. Such images help scientists understand how human decisions impact the carbon cycle and Earth’s climate.
Published Jul 5, 2011Researchers studying tropical forests have mapped out a way to preserve significant amounts of carbon-rich vegetation and biodiversity by connecting existing protected areas.
Published Apr 2, 2014Forests in drylands are much more extensive than previously reported.
Published Aug 10, 2017Differences in how international and national institutions classify forests can lead to large discrepancies in measurements of land cover.
Published Nov 17, 2015The opening of the Landsat data archive and a partnership with Google has allowed researchers to track the fine details of forest change around the world.
Published May 7, 2015By changing a percentage, institutions can take some forested lands off the map.
Published Dec 18, 2015Researchers analyzed 25 years of Landsat data to establish where forests had burned or been cut.
Published Jun 27, 2017As the size of British Columbia’s pine beetle infestation has grown, forest managers have begun to need a technique to identify damage over large areas. Relying on a variety of data sources, including satellite data, scientists from Goddard Space Flight Center conducted a survey of insect-damaged forests in British Columbia. This image shows their assessment of insect damage overlain on a topography map.
Published Dec 19, 2008Brown bears abound on this Alaskan island, parts of which have seen both widespread clear-cutting and forest regrowth in recent decades.
Published Apr 24, 2020The mangroves in Pongara National Park are among the tallest in the world, towering up to 60 meters.
Published May 19, 2017Mangrove forests are among the planet’s best carbon scrubbers.
Published Feb 27, 2019A high-resolution map offers a global view of forest canopy heights.
Published Apr 13, 2012A small plane flying low over remote forests is sending back eye-popping aerial photography—as well as scientific measurements that will improve understanding of how Alaska’s forests are responding to global warming.
Published Jul 25, 2014Political change in Eastern Europe and Russia has left its mark on forests in the region.
Published Jul 16, 2015Scientists use lasers and cameras to characterize the 3D structure of mangrove forests in Gabon.
Published Jun 1, 2017In recent decades, industrial logging has intensified in the dense tropical forests of central Africa, but few data sets exist that can help ecologists and policymakers monitor the occurrence and impact of logging over wide areas in that part of the world.
Published Jul 5, 2007Dry weather in the Northeast has triggered an explosion in the populations of gypsy moth caterpillars, which are voracious eaters of forest canopies.
Published Jul 15, 2016A twenty-year effort to plant millions of trees in Minas Gerais is visible to Landsat.
Published Jul 23, 2019Wildfires make a significant mark on the bird’s nesting and roosting habitat.
Published Dec 23, 2019NASA’s Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 has compiled its first year of data and started quantifying the cycles of emission and absorption of the greenhouse gas.
Published Dec 12, 2015Since the mid-1200s, the state has controlled Niepołomice Forest, which contains some of the last pockets of old-growth forest in Poland.
Published Nov 29, 2013The Madre de Dios region has a rich concentration of endemic species, but their habitats are being threatened by human activity.
Published Apr 19, 2019The Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO-2) may help scientists answer key questions about how carbon cycles between Earth’s atmosphere, ocean, and land.
Published Jul 3, 2014Maps of forest cover type show where the composition and structure of the forest is sufficient for the threatened species to nest and roost.
Published Dec 18, 2019Forests are being turned into rubber plantations, farmland, and timber at a rapid rate.
Published Jan 10, 2017As global and regional warming continues, winter emissions of carbon dioxide from Arctic lands are offsetting what plants absorb in the summer.
Published Nov 19, 2019Who is responsible when smoke fills the sky? Do people who set agricultural fires deserve the blame, or are natural cycles the real culprit? The correct answer may be “yes.” In the case of wildfires in Indonesia, human activity and natural cycles likely conspire to create devastating fire seasons.
Published Mar 2, 2007