This ultraviolet image, captured by NASA’s Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) Ahead spacecraft on February 12, 2010, shows solar storms brewing in two active areas of the Sun.
Image of the Day Heat
For the first time in history, the world has a full view of the far side of the Sun and of the entire 360-degree sphere at once.
Image of the Day
NASA’s twin STEREO spacecraft spy a solar prominence from two angles.
Image of the Day Heat Remote Sensing
Fiery arcs rise above an active region on the surface of the Sun in this pair of images of a coronal mass ejection on January 27, 2010.
NASA’s STEREO-B spacecraft observed Comet PanSTARRS and Earth from the far side of the Sun in March 2013.
A flare bursts from the Sun in this detailed image taken on August 1, 2010, by the STEREO Ahead telescope.
Image of the Day Heat Unique Imagery
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