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Images related to Steershead Ice Rise

New Map of Antarctica’s Icy Edge

New Map of Antarctica’s Icy Edge

This image shows the latest estimate of the ice edge around Law Promontory, which juts out from East Antarctica’s coastline near Stefansson Bay.

Published Jul 23, 2010

Image of the Day Land Snow and Ice

A Neat Slice of Ice in Antarctica

A Neat Slice of Ice in Antarctica

A sharp-edged rectangular iceberg floats near the Larsen C ice shelf.

Published Oct 23, 2018

Unique Imagery Snow and Ice Sea and Lake Ice

Subglacial Lakes, Antarctica

Subglacial Lakes, Antarctica

To the untrained eye, Antarctica may look like a giant piece of solid ice that rarely changes, but scientists studying the continent have long known better. The icy surface is dynamic, with glaciers and "streams" of ice flowing toward the ocean.

Published Apr 27, 2007

Image of the Day Land Snow and Ice

Recovery Ice Stream

Recovery Ice Stream

A slab of ice larger than the continental United States smothers much of East Antarctica. Draining from the East Antarctic Ice Sheet is a river of ice nearly 800 kilometers long. This stream, the Recovery Ice Stream, slides roughly 35 billion tons of ice into the ocean each year.

Published Apr 26, 2007

Image of the Day Land Snow and Ice

Bottoms Up for Antarctic Ice

Bottoms Up for Antarctic Ice

Researchers working in Antarctica have found evidence of large-scale ice making at the bottom of that continent's massive ice sheets.

Published Apr 21, 2011

Image of the Day Land Snow and Ice

First Map of Antarctica’s Moving Ice

First Map of Antarctica’s Moving Ice

Scientists mapped the motion of Antarctica’s ice sheets and revealed unexpected patterns.

Published Aug 19, 2011

Image of the Day Snow and Ice

Lakes Drain under Antarctic Ice Sheet

Lakes Drain under Antarctic Ice Sheet

Throughout Antarctica, broad ribbons of ice known as ice streams shed large quantities of ice into the ocean.

Published Apr 24, 2007

Image of the Day Land Water Snow and Ice

Sea Ice and Icebergs off East Antarctica

Sea Ice and Icebergs off East Antarctica

Acquired October 7, 2011, this natural-color image shows an ice menagerie off the coast of East Antarctica.

Published Oct 23, 2011

Image of the Day Water Snow and Ice

Byrd Glacier, Antarctica

Byrd Glacier, Antarctica

Named after American Antarctic explorer Richard E. Byrd, West Antarctica’s Byrd Glacier flows through a deep valley in the Transantarctic Mountains, covering a distance of 180 kilometers (112 miles) and descending more than 1,300 meters (4,300 feet) as it flows into the Ross Ice Shelf.

Published Jan 19, 2006

Image of the Day Land Snow and Ice