The MarCO-B CubeSat snapped its first photo on May 9, 2018, and caught a glance of home.
Published May 28, 2018Looking back from its orbit around Mercury, MESSENGER captured this view of Earth and the Moon on May 6, 2010.
Published Sep 9, 2010The Deep Space Climate Observatory captured a unique view of the Moon as it passed between the spacecraft and Earth. The Artemis mission will soon take us back for closeups.
Published Aug 6, 2015These iconic photos are not new, but their message never gets old.
Published Dec 24, 2018In October 2013, NASA’s Juno spacecraft flew past the Earth to steal some energy for a ride to Jupiter. Along the way, it also stole some glimpses of home.
Published Dec 29, 2013Long before man journeyed to the moon and looked back at the tiny, fragile planet that houses humanity, lunar orbiters were sending back pictures of home.
Published Nov 15, 2008After waiting out a thunderstorm, NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite rocketed off the launch pad at Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, at 5:32 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on June 18, 2009. This photograph captures the pair of spacecraft as they were lifting off.
Published Jun 20, 2009A spacecraft looked homeward while making its way to the asteroid Bennu.
Published Nov 22, 2018Cameras on a lunar orbiter and some clever image processing techniques led to a new take on a historic image of the Earth and Moon.
Published Dec 25, 2015When the Apollo 11 astronauts left the surface of the Moon on July 21, 1969, they brought home samples of solar wind particles, lunar rocks and dirt, and a big helping of perspective.
Published Jul 20, 2019A powerful telescope on a satellite orbiting Mars turned its gaze back on Earth.
Published Jan 21, 2017On July 19, 2013, NASA spacecraft got not one but two rare and unique views of Earth from opposite ends of the solar system.
Published Jul 24, 2013OSIRIS-REx took a look back at home while making its way toward the asteroid Bennu.
Published Dec 31, 2017Forty years after the Apollo 11 landing on the Moon, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter captured this image of the descent stage of the Eagle lunar module.
Published Jul 20, 2009Over the stark, scarred surface of the moon, the Earth floats in the void of space, a watery jewel swathed in ribbons of clouds.
Published Oct 4, 2004At the time of a new Moon or a slim crescent, go outside and look up. You might see Earth’s reflected light in the dim glow.
Published May 29, 2014From 31 million miles away, how could you tell that there was life on Earth? Scientists used the remote vantage point of NASA’s Deep Impact spacecraft to shoot a sequence of images that will help to help answer that question.
Published Jul 22, 2008This stunning photo came back to Earth with the Apollo 8 astronauts in late December 1968.
Published Nov 27, 2008This is one of the first images of Earth taken from another planet that actually shows our home as a planetary disk.
Published May 23, 2003