An unusually intense dust storm brought hazardous pollution to New Delhi before monsoon season.
Published Jun 19, 2018New research shows that the amount, size, and source of aerosol particles hovering in the air over India changes by season.
Published Nov 24, 2010The skies over northern India are some of the haziest—but also most variable—in the world.
Published Nov 14, 2014A tremendous plume of dust from North Africa drifts toward the Caribbean and contiguous United States.
Published Jun 19, 2020Image of the Day Atmosphere Land Water Dust and Haze Remote Sensing
Satellite observations show how far winds normally spread North African dust particles before rain and gravity pull them down to the ocean.
Published Jan 9, 2020An extensive dust storm in late February carried debris over the Atlantic Ocean, en route to the Amazon Basin.
Published Mar 4, 2015A new analysis suggests that exposure to mineral dust may be a bigger cause of premature death in Africa than previously thought.
Published May 1, 2019White mountaintops received a fresh dusting—and not of snow.
Published Mar 4, 2017In this photo-like image collected over three consecutive satellite overpasses, a thick plume of dust stretches hundreds of kilometers from its origins in Africa’s Sahara Desert to the Lesser Antilles Islands on the eastern edge of the Caribbean Sea.
Published Jun 27, 2009While dust routinely blows across the Atlantic Ocean, scientists rarely see plumes as large and dense with particles as the one that darkened Caribbean skies in June 2020.
Published Jun 29, 2020In June 2014, winds pushed a river of dust from western Africa across the Atlantic Ocean.
Published Jul 5, 2014It was dusty over northeastern Sudan and the Red Sea in summer 2014, as it is most years.
Published Aug 4, 2014Acquired May 4, 2011, this natural-color image shows a dust storm blowing off the Arabian Peninsula and over the Persian Gulf.
Published May 4, 2011Spring winds bring spring dust storms from northwest China.
Published Apr 2, 2015Saharan dust crossed the Atlantic Ocean on June 24, 2009, visible in two separate overpasses of the Aqua satellite.
Published Jun 25, 2009Plumes of dried soil streamed from a rural area in the northern part of the Japanese island.
Published May 21, 2019Acquired July 15, 2011, a natural-color satellite image shows a complex pattern on the upper surface of an Algerian dust storm.
Published Jul 15, 2011This true-color image from July 1, 2009, shows a series of giant dust plumes west of Mauritania. The smallest and most concentrated plume appears east of Cape Verde.
Published Jul 1, 2009In mid-June 2016, winds lofted thick plumes of dust from northern Africa’s deserts high into the air.
Published Jun 23, 2016