Ireland got a coating of snow and ice this week, the latest expression of an unusually early and brisk start to winter.
Published Dec 4, 2010Low, moist ocean clouds outline South American country’s coastal desert.
Published May 31, 2014An open-celled cloud over the Pacific Ocean had a shape reminiscent of a certain circular letter of the alphabet.
Published Sep 27, 2014This cut-away-view of two common weather patterns is providing insight that could improve your weather forecast.
Published May 13, 2011A dip in the jet stream pulled moist, tropical air from the Caribbean to the Eastern Seaboard and triggered several days of intense rains.
Published Jul 25, 2018Image of the Day Water Floods Severe Storms Human Presence Remote Sensing
Data collected by a sensor on the Aqua satellite reveals the global distribution of clouds.
Published May 8, 2015Patches of open-celled clouds off the west coast of Peru offer beautiful glimpses of the sea—and pointers to where rain may have fallen.
Published Aug 7, 2018Within a three-hour drive across Oregon, you can visit a beach, a temperate rainforest, a mountain glacier, and the high desert.
Published Sep 23, 2012A map of rainfall totals between May 1 and May 3, 2010, shows a line of heavy rain following the path of severe thunderstorms across Tennessee and Kentucky.
Published May 5, 2010