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Images related to Spring on the Antarctic Peninsula

The Most Studied Peninsula on Antarctica

The Most Studied Peninsula on Antarctica

The northernmost arm of Antarctica is a hotspot of research because its retreating glaciers are a large contributor to sea level rise.

Published Feb 24, 2017

Image of the Day Land Water Snow and Ice Sea and Lake Ice

Operation IceBridge Returns to Antarctica

Operation IceBridge Returns to Antarctica

The MODIS instrument on NASA’s Aqua satellite captured this clear view of the Antarctic Peninsula, the Larsen Ice Shelf, and the sea ice covered waters around the region in October 2011.

Published Oct 15, 2011

Image of the Day Land Snow and Ice Sea and Lake Ice

Southern Antarctic Peninsula

Southern Antarctic Peninsula

Approaching the icy continent by aircraft, the vast expanse of water and ice is suddenly broken by gray and brown rocky mountaintops

Published Dec 28, 2017

Image of the Day Snow and Ice

Changing Sea Ice along the Antarctic Peninsula

Changing Sea Ice along the Antarctic Peninsula

Changing weather conditions left their mark on sea ice along the Antarctic Peninsula in late 2008 and early 2009. In mid-December 2008, melt water resting on the sea ice colored it sky blue. At the beginning of 2009, however, the sea ice appeared snowy white, and cracks had begun along the ice margin.

Published Jan 9, 2009

Image of the Day Water Snow and Ice

Sea Ice Imitates the Shoreline along the Kamchatka Peninsula

Sea Ice Imitates the Shoreline along the Kamchatka Peninsula

Acquired April 13, 2010, this natural-color image shows a long formation of sea ice with a shape that mimics the features of the eastern shore of the Kamchatka Peninsula.

Published Apr 15, 2010

Image of the Day Land Water Snow and Ice

Signs of Summer Thaw on the Antarctic Peninsula

Signs of Summer Thaw on the Antarctic Peninsula

The tip of the Antarctic Peninsula showed dramatic seasonal changes in late January 2008. On January 24, 2008, the fast ice looked solidly frozen. Several days later, on January 30, 2008, the ice’s new blue hue suggested something had changed.

Published Feb 6, 2008

Image of the Day Heat Land Water Snow and Ice

Antarctic Ice North of the Weddell Sea

Antarctic Ice North of the Weddell Sea

Winds pushed Antarctic sea ice north of its typical location in February 2013.

Published Mar 1, 2013

Image of the Day Land Water Snow and Ice

Thick and Thin Ice in the Weddell Sea

Thick and Thin Ice in the Weddell Sea

New elevation measurements will give researchers an unprecedented understanding of the thickness of sea ice, which will be used to help improve climate modeling and forecasts.

Published Dec 18, 2018

Image of the Day Water Snow and Ice

Breakup of the Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctica

Breakup of the Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctica

Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite imagery analyzed at the University of Colorado’s National Snow and Ice Data Center revealed that the northern section of the Larsen B ice shelf, a large floating ice mass on the eastern side of the Antarctic Peninsula, has shattered and separated from the continent. This particular image was taken on March 5, 2002.

Published Mar 20, 2002

Image of the Day Water

Polynya off the Antarctic Coast

Polynya off the Antarctic Coast

In some places where ice should cover the sea, open water appears instead.

Published Nov 22, 2011

Image of the Day Atmosphere Water Snow and Ice

Antarctica’s Changing Larsen Ice Shelf

Antarctica’s Changing Larsen Ice Shelf

When this closely watched slab of floating ice births a giant iceberg, it will not be the first time it has seen dramatic change.

Published Feb 7, 2017

Image of the Day Heat Land Water Snow and Ice Sea and Lake Ice

First Map of Antarctica’s Moving Ice

First Map of Antarctica’s Moving Ice

Scientists mapped the motion of Antarctica’s ice sheets and revealed unexpected patterns.

Published Aug 19, 2011

Image of the Day Snow and Ice

New Map of Antarctica’s Icy Edge

New Map of Antarctica’s Icy Edge

This image shows the latest estimate of the ice edge around Law Promontory, which juts out from East Antarctica’s coastline near Stefansson Bay.

Published Jul 23, 2010

Image of the Day Land Snow and Ice