Scientists confirmed a stable pond of lava exists within the crater, raising the planet’s known number of lava lakes to seven.
Published Jul 19, 2019Central Africa’s highly active Nyamuragira and Nyiragongo volcanoes simultaneously release volcanic plumes.
Published Feb 14, 2015Satellite view of fresh lava flows from recent activity at Kilaue’s Pu’u O’o Crater.
Published Sep 9, 2011In early September 2007, Tanzania&#rsquo;s Ol Doinyo Lengai Volcano erupted, sending a cloud of ash into the atmosphere. The volcanic plume appears pale blue-gray, distinct near the summit, and growing more diffuse to the south. The charcoal-colored stains on the volcano’s flanks appear to be lava, but they are actually burn scars left behind by fires that were spawned by fast-flowing, narrow rivers of lava ejected by the volcano.
Published Sep 19, 2007Desert, lava, and salt dominate the landscape around Ethiopia’s Lake Afrera.
Published Jul 27, 2014Acquired March 6, 2013, this image shows a fresh lava flow on the surface of Tolbachik Volcano on the Kamchatka Peninsula.
Published Mar 12, 2013A prominent lava flow descends the eastern flank of Kizimen Volcano on September 5, 2011.
Published Sep 14, 2011