Among the world’s largest tuff cones, the two Menan Buttes rise above the Snake River Plain in this photo-like image taken on September 25, 2010.
Published Dec 31, 2010This false-color image from April 1, 2002, shows numerous braided channels and oxbow lakes along the Songhua River in northeastern China, just upstream of the city of Harbin.
Published Dec 27, 2005This lava field includes at least 60 flows ranging from 15,000 to 2,100 years old.
Published Oct 13, 20092013 brought record flooding to the Amur (Heilong) River.
Published Oct 27, 2013This "kipuka" in Craters of the Moon National Monument is an area of undisturbed grassland surrounded by a lava flow.
Published Oct 14, 2009The Hell’s Half Acre Lava Field is the youngest and easternmost lava flow associated with the Snake River Plain basalts.
Published Nov 17, 2008The Salmon River in Idaho, one of the longest free-flowing rivers in the United States, rushes through a geologic wonderland of wooded ridges, eroded bluffs, and stone towers and crags.
Published Jul 22, 2020Near the city of Little Rock, the river has meandered for decades, leaving its marks across the landscape.
Published Apr 21, 2014Farms in the historic Oltenia province display a compelling array of shapes and sizes.
Published Oct 14, 2020A satellite image offers inky evidence of the organic-rich freshwater that the Suwannee River delivers to the Gulf of Mexico.
Published Oct 27, 2018