The most severe drought in 70 years of record keeping threatens the Horn of Africa with famine.
Image of the Day Land Water Drought
An inland sea once connected the lakes, but they now have different appearances and water chemistries.
Image of the Day Land Water
The Horn of Africa is facing drought and crop failures after four inadequate rainy seasons.
Image of the Day Land Floods Severe Storms Human Presence Landslides
Entire neighborhoods were underwater in October after relentless rains caused the Logone and Chari rivers to overtop their banks.
Image of the Day Water Floods Human Presence
Heavy rains have flooded the Shebelle River and affected hundreds of thousands of people in Somalia and Kenya.
Image of the Day Land Water Floods Remote Sensing
This vegetation map shows the devastating impact of drought on East Africa in January 2011.
Land Life Drought
Drought is apparent across much of East Africa after seasonal rains failed to deliver much moisture to the region.
Image of the Day Land Drought Remote Sensing
Widespread drought in eastern Africa has withered the grass and other vegetation of northern Tanzania's famous Serengeti Plain in January 2006.
Image of the Day Land Drought
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