The capital city is the economic and tourist hub of New Caledonia.
Published Dec 13, 2020Astronauts have the best view of the city’s well-known “swept wing” city layout, which takes the form of a flying bird that is expressed in the curves of the boulevards. The stadium sits between the wings.
Published Jun 16, 2014Thick plumes of smoke bellow from two large wildfires in southeastern Georgia in this true-color image from March 25, 2011.
Published Mar 26, 2011The fast-growing city of Cairo has spilled onto desert plains well beyond the lush floodplain of the Nile River.
Published Apr 2, 2020Kyiv is rich in the history of western civilization. It was a trade center on the Baltic-Black Sea route in the 11th and 12th centuries, and one of the major cities in the Christian world, until Mongol invaders destroyed the city in 1240. Some of the 11th-century cathedrals, which contain famous artifacts, remain standing and have been restored.
Published Apr 19, 2004