Though fires across Russia appeared to be less intense than previously, these photo-like images show thick smoke rising from two regions in western Russia on August 15, 2010.
Published Aug 16, 2010A ribbon of smoke connects two clusters of intense fires in central Russia in this photo-like image from August 12, 2010.
Published Aug 12, 2010This image, made with data from the Terra satellite, shows high levels of carbon monoxide over western Russia during the first week of August 2010.
Published Aug 11, 2010Thick smoke covers much of western Russia in this true-color satellite image from August 9, 2010.
Published Aug 9, 2010Acquired August 7, 2010, this natural-color image shows thick smoke over Moscow and clusters of fires burning around the city.
Published Aug 7, 2010This photo-like image from August 4, 2010, shows intense fires burning across central Russia and a thick plume of smoke stretching about 3,000 kilometers (1,860 miles).
Published Aug 5, 2010Thick smoke from fires burning in western Russia fills the width of this image, a composite of three separate satellite images acquired on August 3, 2010.
Published Aug 3, 2010This true-color image from August 2, 2010, shows thick smoke spanning about 1,700 kilometers (1,000 miles) of western Russia. The smoke comes from hundreds of fires burning in bogs and forests.
Published Aug 2, 2010Acquired July 28, 2010, this natural-color image shows fires east of Moscow blanketing the region in thick smoke.
Published Jul 29, 2010Acquired July 27, 2010, this natural-color image shows haze over Moscow as fires burn in the east-southeast.
Published Jul 27, 2010