2021 Fire Season in the Northern Hemisphere

Whether sparked by lightning, intentional land-clearing, or human-caused accidents, wildfires are burning longer and more often in some northern latitudes as the world warms.
Alisal Fire Rages Near Santa Barbara

Alisal Fire Rages Near Santa Barbara

Chaparral shrublands and strong winds are fueling the fast-moving fire.

Published Oct 13, 2021

Heat Land Fires Human Presence

A Record-Breaking Year for Fire in Sakha

A Record-Breaking Year for Fire in Sakha

Fires burned 8.4 million hectares in the eastern Russian republic.

Published Oct 8, 2021

Image of the Day Heat Land Fires

A Multi-Dimensional Fire Challenge

A Multi-Dimensional Fire Challenge

Accumulating fuels and rising populations are contributing to California’s large, destructive fires.

Published Oct 5, 2021

Image of the Day Heat Land Water Fires Human Presence

What’s Behind California’s Surge of Large Fires?

What’s Behind California’s Surge of Large Fires?

Heat waves and droughts supercharged by climate change, a century of fire suppression, and fast-growing populations have made large, destructive fires more likely.

Published Oct 4, 2021

Image of the Day Heat Land Water Fires Human Presence

Southern California Under Smoke

Southern California Under Smoke

The KNP fire complex and Windy fire are threatening groves of giant sequoias and prompting authorities to issue evacuation orders.

Published Sep 24, 2021

Atmosphere Heat Land Fires Remote Sensing

Fire Encroaching on Giant Sequoias

Fire Encroaching on Giant Sequoias

In the midst of another brutal fire season, several of California’s natural treasures have also been threatened.

Published Sep 16, 2021

Image of the Day Land Fires

Climate Change Pushes Fires to Higher Ground

Climate Change Pushes Fires to Higher Ground

Wildfires in the western United States have been spreading to higher elevations due to warmer and drier conditions.

Published Sep 2, 2021

Image of the Day Heat Life Fires

Arc of Fires in the U.S. West

Arc of Fires in the U.S. West

The Caldor fire, nearing the south end of Lake Tahoe, is one of many potent fires still burning at the end of August 2021.

Published Aug 31, 2021

Image of the Day Land Fires

California Burning

California Burning

Several destructive fires have charred landscapes in northern California, and their emissions are adding up.

Published Aug 20, 2021

Image of the Day Heat Land Fires Human Presence

Heat and Flames Scorch Spain

Heat and Flames Scorch Spain

A fast-moving fire burning in central Spain forced more than 1,000 people to evacuate.

Published Aug 17, 2021

Heat Land Fires Human Presence

Fire Outbreak in Algeria

Fire Outbreak in Algeria

More than 62,000 hectares have burned in the country this year, according to the European Forest Fire Information System.

Published Aug 11, 2021

Heat Land Fires Human Presence

Fire Consumes Large Swaths of Greece

Fire Consumes Large Swaths of Greece

Fires in the country have consumed five times as much land as they do in an average year.

Published Aug 11, 2021

Image of the Day Heat Land Fires Human Presence

An Unusually Smoky Fire Season in Sakha

An Unusually Smoky Fire Season in Sakha

Wildfires are approaching records for estimated carbon emissions.

Published Aug 9, 2021

Image of the Day Atmosphere Heat Land Fires Remote Sensing

California’s Dixie Fire Keeps on Growing

California’s Dixie Fire Keeps on Growing

The largest fire currently burning in the United States continues to produce enormous plumes of smoke.

Published Aug 6, 2021

Image of the Day Atmosphere Heat Land Fires Human Presence Remote Sensing

Fires Rage in Turkey

Fires Rage in Turkey

More land area in Turkey has been consumed by fire already this year than usually burns in an entire year.

Published Aug 3, 2021

Image of the Day Heat Land Fires

A Summer of Fire-Breathing Smoke Storms

A Summer of Fire-Breathing Smoke Storms

For decades, scientists have been tracking extreme thunderstorms created by wildfires. However, the ferocity of the storms that have popped up in Canada in 2021 has surprised them.

Published Jul 29, 2021

Image of the Day Heat Land Fires Remote Sensing

Extensive Plumes from the Dixie Fire

Extensive Plumes from the Dixie Fire

The largest fire in California in 2021 has been burning for two weeks near the city of Chico and Lassen National Forest.

Published Jul 27, 2021

Image of the Day Land Fires Human Presence

Smoke Across North America

Smoke Across North America

Skies turned hazy from Pittsburgh to Washington to Boston, as smoke from fires in Canada poured into the U.S. Northeast.

Published Jul 21, 2021

Image of the Day Atmosphere Heat Fires Human Presence Remote Sensing

Oregon Smothered with Smoke

Oregon Smothered with Smoke

Hot, dry, and windy conditions continue to fan the flames of the largest fire currently burning in the United States.

Published Jul 19, 2021

Land Fires

Hazy Skies in the Midwest

Hazy Skies in the Midwest

Smoke from Ontario, Canada, has blown south into the United States.

Published Jul 12, 2021

Atmosphere Heat Land Fires

Smoky Summer in the Pacific Northwest

Smoky Summer in the Pacific Northwest

The extraordinary heatwave that scorched the Pacific Northwest in June 2021 has diminished, but substantial fires continued to burn across the region in July.

Published Jul 9, 2021

Image of the Day Heat Land Fires Human Presence

Fires Scorch the Sakha Republic

Fires Scorch the Sakha Republic

Large, smoky fires are raging through forests in northeastern Russia.

Published Jul 6, 2021

Image of the Day Heat Land Fires

Blazes Rage in British Columbia

Blazes Rage in British Columbia

More than 40 wildfires were burning across the Canadian province by the end of June 2021, including a cluster of substantial blazes located about 200 kilometers northeast of Vancouver.

Published Jul 1, 2021

Image of the Day Heat Land Fires Human Presence

Fires Rage in Arizona

Fires Rage in Arizona

Hot, dry weather has parched vegetation and turned the state into a tinderbox.

Published Jun 22, 2021

Image of the Day Land Fires Human Presence

Smoke Replaces Ice at Lake Winnipeg

Smoke Replaces Ice at Lake Winnipeg

Canada’s Manitoba Province jumped right from winter ice to summer fires.

Published May 21, 2021

Image of the Day Atmosphere Heat Land Fires Remote Sensing

Wildfires and Smoke in Siberia

Wildfires and Smoke in Siberia

Numerous fires have filled skies with smoke, causing air quality issues in Omsk.

Published Apr 28, 2021

Land Fires

Fires in the Far East

Fires in the Far East

Many farmers in northeastern China and eastern Russia use fire to clear fields and get them ready for planting.

Published Apr 23, 2021

Image of the Day Atmosphere Land Fires Human Presence Remote Sensing