The rise and fall of colliding air columns can make cloud patterns—gravity waves—similar to a boat’s wake.
Published Jul 14, 2016A layer of marine stratocumulus clouds off the west coast of Africa displayed some particularly complex wave patterns.
Published May 16, 2020Air masses passing over the Appalachian Mountains created waves in the atmosphere—and these distinctive clouds.
Published Apr 22, 2018Atmospheric waves and internal waves make an appearance on the same day off the western coast of Australia.
Published Feb 17, 2016This distinctive V-shaped wave pattern can emerge behind mountains, ships, and ducks.
Published Dec 17, 2017Also known as nacreous clouds, they play an important role in the depletion of stratospheric ozone.
Published Feb 9, 2011When undular bores ripple through the atmosphere, they leave remarkable patterns in the clouds.
Published Oct 9, 2020NASA scientists are using a modern version of a 150-year-old photography technique to capture images of shock waves created by supersonic jets.
Published Oct 7, 2015Gravity waves in the atmosphere were made visible by dust blowing from the Sahara Desert.
Published Jun 15, 2018Transverse cirrus clouds may look benign, but they are often associated with intense weather.
Published Jun 19, 2019Actinoform clouds pop up off the western coast of Australia.
Published Feb 7, 2020This astronaut view of blending air masses, wind fields, and light reflections is a combination of beauty and of insight about the environment.
Published Jul 22, 2013An intricate interaction of waves shapes the clouds in the North Sea, making patterns that echo basic principles of nature.
Published Nov 25, 2011Like ripples on a pond, a series of long, circular wave clouds radiate out from the coast of West Africa in this pair of photo-like images.
Published Oct 20, 2007Strong winds gusted over the Gulf of Mexico on December 16, 2007, and though the wind is invisible in these photo-like snapshots, its presence is written in the clouds and on the surface of the water.
Published Dec 19, 2007