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Images related to Tracking Forest Change in Canada

When a Definition Makes a Forest Disappear

When a Definition Makes a Forest Disappear

By changing a percentage, institutions can take some forested lands off the map.

Published Dec 18, 2015

Image of the Day Land Life

A Polish Royal Forest

A Polish Royal Forest

Since the mid-1200s, the state has controlled Niepołomice Forest, which contains some of the last pockets of old-growth forest in Poland.

Published Nov 29, 2013

Image of the Day Land

Is That a Forest? That Depends on How You Define It

Is That a Forest? That Depends on How You Define It

Differences in how international and national institutions classify forests can lead to large discrepancies in measurements of land cover.

Published Nov 17, 2015

Image of the Day Land Life Remote Sensing

Changing Forest Cover Since the Soviet Era

Changing Forest Cover Since the Soviet Era

Political change in Eastern Europe and Russia has left its mark on forests in the region.

Published Jul 16, 2015

Image of the Day Land Life

Mapping Forest Loss with Landsat

Mapping Forest Loss with Landsat

The opening of the Landsat data archive and a partnership with Google has allowed researchers to track the fine details of forest change around the world.

Published May 7, 2015

Image of the Day Land Human Presence

Forest Canopy Heights Across the United States

Forest Canopy Heights Across the United States

From the Pacific Northwest—home of the towering redwoods&mdash to the Southern Appalachians, this map shows forest canopy heights across the United States.

Published Jul 22, 2010

Image of the Day Land Life Remote Sensing

Measuring the Earth’s Dry Forests

Measuring the Earth’s Dry Forests

Forests in drylands are much more extensive than previously reported.

Published Aug 10, 2017

Image of the Day Land Remote Sensing

Forest Changes in British Columbia

Forest Changes in British Columbia

In British Columbia’s Coast Mountains, some 200 kilometers (125 miles) inland from the Pacific Ocean, rivers and lakes cut tortuous paths through rugged terrain. The peaks and valleys in this region are covered with forest, but the forest has changed over the years due to human use and insect pests, in particular, the mountain pine beetle.

Published Oct 12, 2008

Image of the Day Land

Spotting the Spotted Owl: 30 Years of Forest Disturbance

Spotting the Spotted Owl: 30 Years of Forest Disturbance

Wildfires make a significant mark on the bird’s nesting and roosting habitat.

Published Dec 23, 2019

Image of the Day Land Life Human Presence Remote Sensing

Cambodia’s Forests Are Disappearing

Cambodia’s Forests Are Disappearing

Forests are being turned into rubber plantations, farmland, and timber at a rapid rate.

Published Jan 10, 2017

Image of the Day Land Human Presence Remote Sensing

Insect Damage in British Columbia Forests

Insect Damage in British Columbia Forests

As the size of British Columbia’s pine beetle infestation has grown, forest managers have begun to need a technique to identify damage over large areas. Relying on a variety of data sources, including satellite data, scientists from Goddard Space Flight Center conducted a survey of insect-damaged forests in British Columbia. This image shows their assessment of insect damage overlain on a topography map.

Published Dec 19, 2008

Image of the Day Land Life