July 2019 brought the latest display of a phytoplankton bloom that occurs every year in the North Atlantic Ocean.
Published Jul 15, 2019The ocean has fronts and vortices that stir up nutrients and promote blooms of phytoplankton and algae.
Published May 26, 2015Swirls of milky blue and green reveal the presence of massive numbers of phytoplankton in the South Atlantic Ocean near the Falkland Islands.
Published Jan 6, 2018A Korean satellite provides an hourly view of the phytoplankton in the ocean, while also offering a testbed for future ocean-observing satellite missions.
Published Jun 21, 2016In several decades of observing the ocean with satellites, our vision has changed as much as the sea.
Published Apr 30, 2019Scientists show that a virus was responsible for the collapse of a large coccolithophore bloom in the North Atlantic.
Published Nov 26, 2014Unusually clear skies and persistent, unseasonable heat may have set the stage for large and persistent blooms of phytoplankton in the waters around England.
Published Jun 26, 2020The record-breaking belt of brown algae stretches from West Africa to the Gulf of Mexico, and it is likely here to stay.
Published Jul 8, 2019The swirls of turquoise and green map out a large phytoplankton bloom along the shores of New Zealand’s South Island in this image from February 20, 2011.
Published Feb 26, 2011