The sum of Earth's plants, on land and in the ocean, changes slightly from year to year as weather patterns shift. This pair of images contrasts average plant growth in 2002 to growth in 2008, revealing small interannual changes.
Published Jun 6, 2009The season is a time of great change, turbulence, and productivity in northern waters.
Published Mar 9, 2020The image of SeaWiFS data as a global average over the entire 13-year record shows the greenness of Earth's oceans and land masses.
Published Apr 5, 2011Swirls of milky blue and green reveal the presence of massive numbers of phytoplankton in the South Atlantic Ocean near the Falkland Islands.
Published Jan 6, 2018MODIS captured two views of the Ross Sea in December 2005. Although the true-color view showed a nearly uniform ocean color, the view of chlorophyll concentration revealed a wide range of productivity.
Published Mar 18, 2009From one million miles away, the DSCOVR satellite returned its first view of the entire sunlit side of Earth.
Published Jul 21, 2015Before there was a Blue Marble photograph or composite image of Earth, there was TIROS IX.
Published Apr 22, 2015In several decades of observing the ocean with satellites, our vision has changed as much as the sea.
Published Apr 30, 2019Across two decades, the Terra satellite has been a great leap for Earth system science, observing how different spheres fit together as a whole.
Published Dec 18, 2019Image of the Day Atmosphere Heat Land Drought Fires Remote Sensing
Precession—the change in orientation of the Earth's rotational axis—alters the orientation of the Earth with respect to perihelion and aphelion.
Published Mar 24, 2000