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Images related to Magnitude 8.0 Earthquake off the Coast of Peru

8.8 Magnitude Quake near Concepcion, Chile

8.8 Magnitude Quake near Concepcion, Chile

This map of topography and water depth reveals subduction’s influence on the West Coast of South America near the epicenter of the 8.8-magnitude earthquake that struck Chile on February 27, 2010.

Published Mar 2, 2010

Image of the Day Land Earthquakes

Earthquake Epicenter, Peru

Earthquake Epicenter, Peru

Published Jun 29, 2001

Image of the Day Land

Strong Aftershocks Rattle Chile Following Big Quake

Strong Aftershocks Rattle Chile Following Big Quake

This map of topography and water depth along the Chilean coast includes black circles that indicate aftershocks with a magnitude of 5.0 or larger that occurred between March 5 and 12, 2010, following the large earthquake on February 27.

Published Mar 11, 2010

Land Earthquakes

Magnitude 6.3 Earthquake near Christchurch, NZ

Magnitude 6.3 Earthquake near Christchurch, NZ

This map shows the location of earthquakes on near Christchurch, New Zealand between September 3, 2010, and February 22, 2011.

Published Feb 23, 2011

Image of the Day Land Earthquakes

Earthquake off the Coast of Venezuela

Earthquake off the Coast of Venezuela

A strong earthquake struck off the Venezuelan coast on September 12, 2009.

Published Sep 15, 2009

Land Earthquakes

7.3-Magnitude Quake off the Honduras Coast

7.3-Magnitude Quake off the Honduras Coast

This image shows the topography and bathymetry of the region surrounding the earthquakes that occurred on May 28-29, 2009. Red circles indicate quake locations, and fine black lines indicate fault lines.

Published May 30, 2009

Image of the Day Land Water Earthquakes

7.3 Quake in New Britian

7.3 Quake in New Britian

This color-coded map shows the topography, bathymetry, fault lines, and earthquake locations related to earthquakes in New Britain on July 18–19, 2010.

Published Jul 20, 2010

Land Earthquakes

7.0 Quake Near Port Au Prince

7.0 Quake Near Port Au Prince

This map shows the region around the earthquake that struck the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince on January 12, 2010. Blue areas indicate water and brown areas indicate land. Lighter colors indicate higher elevation or shallower depth. Circles indicate earthquake locations, with circle size corresponding to earthquake magnitude. Lines indicate faults.

Published Jan 13, 2010

Land Earthquakes

Earthquake in Chile

Earthquake in Chile

Published Nov 16, 2007


7.6 Magnitude Earthquake off Sumatra

7.6 Magnitude Earthquake off Sumatra

This image shows the topography and bathymetry near Sumatra, Indonesia, where hundreds or thousands of people were feared dead in the wake of a magnitude 7.6 earthquake that struck on September 30, 2009.

Published Sep 30, 2009

Land Earthquakes