A volcanic eruption in the Red Sea appears to have stopped, leaving behind a newborn island.
Published Jan 16, 2012An eruption and an apparent new island appeared in the Red Sea in December 2011.
Published Dec 28, 2011A new island is forming in the Red Sea. Satellite imagery indicates an ongoing eruption in the Zubair Group of the coast of Yemen is largely above water.
Published Jan 9, 2012Nishinoshima has grown to twelve times its original size.
Published Nov 29, 2015In the western Pacific Ocean, a new volcanic island that formed in the shadow of Nishino-shima has merged with it. The island has doubled in size as the eruption continues.
Published Apr 4, 2014Volcanic activity may soon fuse a newly formed island to its neighbor Nishino-shima.
Published Dec 24, 2013he island of Ischia is approximately 30 kilometers southwest of Naples, Italy, in the western Bay of Naples (part of the Tyrrenhian Sea). While the island’s rocks are volcanic in origin, much of the island’s geology and current topography is characterized by blocks of uplifted rock and sunken areas between weak spots or cracks in Earth’s crust.
Published Sep 15, 2008This astronaut photograph shows the southern end of Paramushir Island after a snowfall. Four volcanic centers are brightly lit on their western slopes and deeply shadowed to the east.
Published Jul 12, 2010