Volcanic activity in the Zubair Island group appears to have ceased.
Published Feb 29, 2012An eruption and an apparent new island appeared in the Red Sea in December 2011.
Published Dec 28, 2011A new island is forming in the Red Sea. Satellite imagery indicates an ongoing eruption in the Zubair Group of the coast of Yemen is largely above water.
Published Jan 9, 2012Volcanic activity may soon fuse a newly formed island to its neighbor Nishino-shima.
Published Dec 24, 2013Nishinoshima has grown to twelve times its original size.
Published Nov 29, 2015Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai is likely to persist for years, maybe decades.
Published Dec 11, 2017An undersea eruption at Lateiki Island in late October 2019 has brought new life to an older island in the Tonga chain.
Published Nov 26, 2019The eruption of an undersea volcano gave rise to new real estate between two islands in the kingdom of Tonga.
Published May 3, 2015The eruption may be quieting, but the water is still swirling with debris.
Published Dec 21, 2011Against the odds, the landmass that exploded and oozed into existence in early 2015 is now nearly five years old.
Published Nov 19, 2019In the western Pacific Ocean, a new volcanic island that formed in the shadow of Nishino-shima has merged with it. The island has doubled in size as the eruption continues.
Published Apr 4, 2014An underwater volcano in the Canary Islands turned waters green as it injected a plume of gas and crushed rock across the sea surface in October 2011.
Published Oct 26, 2011Landsat caught a rare glimpse of the third-largest Aleutian Island.
Published Oct 20, 2017Acquired on on May 5, 2009, this true-color image shows Marion Island in the Indian Ocean. Sparsely vegetated, this volcanic island has remnants of snow near its summit.
Published Oct 18, 2009