Where once two streams of ice merged in Greenland’s Jakobshavn Glacier, today there is division and a complex surface riddled with crevasses and melt ponds.
Published Dec 3, 2011Acquired in 2001 and 2010, these natural-color images show substantial retreat in the Jakobshavn Glacier.
Published Jul 15, 2010The amount of ice flowing from the Antarctic glacier has doubled in the span of three decades, and scientists think it could undergo even more dramatic changes in the near future.
Published Feb 6, 2020Three polynyas—circular areas free of sea ice—provide tantalizing clues as to why Antarctica’s Pine Island Glacier is melting at an astonishing 100 meters per year.
Published Nov 18, 2011Acquired September 6, 2010, this natural-color image shows chunks of ice breaking off Matusevich Glacier along the coast of Antarctica.
Published Nov 7, 2010Scientists are concerned about the stability of a glacier that could significantly raise sea level.
Published May 13, 2020Image of the Day Heat Land Water Snow and Ice Remote Sensing
Acquired July 22, 2010, this high-resolution image shows cracks on the surface of the Petermann Glacier in northwestern Greenland.
Published Aug 11, 2010The icefields of Patagonia, located at the southern end of South America, are the largest masses of ice in the temperate Southern Hemisphere (approximately 55,000 square kilometers).
Published May 8, 2006At the end of May, many square kilometers of ice crumbled from Greenland’s Jakobshavn glacier, continuing a century-long retreat.
Published Jun 11, 2014A piedmont-type glacier fans out across a plain in northeast Greenland.
Published Feb 20, 2015In a routine survey of Antarctica’s Pine Island Glacier, NASA scientists discovered a large crack in the ice which will soon lead to the birth of a new giant iceberg.
Published Nov 3, 2011Greenland’s fastest-moving glacier sheds more ice, and continues to retreat at galloping speeds.
Published Aug 20, 2015Jakobshavn Glacier has grown for the third year in a row, and scientists attribute the change to cool ocean waters.
Published Jun 18, 2019Acquired August 5, 2010 , and July 28, 2010, these natural-color images show the Petermann Glacier before and after the calving of a massive iceberg.
Published Aug 10, 2010