Images related to Extratropical Cyclones near Iceland

Winter Cyclone Lashes New Zealand

Winter Cyclone Lashes New Zealand

A fierce winter storm lashed the North Island of New Zealand over the last weekend of July 2008. Heavy rains and strong winds caused several fatalities on land and sea, and more than 70,000 homes were without electricity in the wake of the storm. A second, though less severe, storm was headed for the country on Tuesday.

Published Jul 28, 2008

Atmosphere Water Severe Storms

Tropical Cyclones Tomas and Ului

Tropical Cyclones Tomas and Ului

Two cyclones, Ului and Tomas, spin across the South Pacific Ocean in this natural-color image from March 16, 2010.

Published Mar 16, 2010

Atmosphere Water Severe Storms

Storms Come in Many Forms

Storms Come in Many Forms

There are lots of ways to categorize storms, but research meteorologists have a simple way of dividing them: thunderstorms, tropical cyclones, and extra-tropical cyclones.

Published Mar 7, 2013

Image of the Day Atmosphere

Mid-Latitude Cyclone over the United States

Mid-Latitude Cyclone over the United States

Acquired September 26, 2011, this natural-color image shows a mid-latitude cyclone over the eastern United States.

Published Sep 27, 2011

Atmosphere Severe Storms

Three Cyclones Churn Off Australia

Three Cyclones Churn Off Australia

While powerful cyclone Pam headed toward Vanuatu, two other storms neared Australia.

Published Mar 12, 2015

Atmosphere Water Severe Storms

Tropical Cyclone Abele

Tropical Cyclone Abele

Acquired December 1, 2010, this natural-color image shows Tropical Cyclone Abele over the southern Indian Ocean.

Published Dec 2, 2010

Image of the Day Atmosphere Water Severe Storms

Dust Storm off Iceland

Dust Storm off Iceland

Dust storms usually call to mind vast sand seas along the equator, or dried up lakebeds in Central Asia, but such storms can also occur at much higher latitudes. On September 17, 2008, The Terra satellite captured this image of a dust storm blowing off the northern coast of Iceland.

Published Oct 7, 2008

Image of the Day Atmosphere Land Dust and Haze Snow and Ice