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Images related to Impact of Polluted Skies on Clouds and Climate

Smoke Above the Clouds

Smoke Above the Clouds

Whether a smoke or dust plume has a heating—or cooling—effect on the atmosphere can depend on whether it is above clouds.

Published Oct 17, 2014

Image of the Day Atmosphere Remote Sensing

Studying Smoke Above the Clouds

Studying Smoke Above the Clouds

A growing body of research indicates that smoke above clouds can have important consequences for the climate.

Published May 11, 2016

Image of the Day Atmosphere Fires

Cloud Rosettes in the Sky

Cloud Rosettes in the Sky

Actinoform clouds pop up off the western coast of Australia.

Published Feb 7, 2020

Image of the Day Atmosphere Water

Low-Level Volcanic Activity Impacts Clouds

Low-Level Volcanic Activity Impacts Clouds

It is not difficult to imagine that a gigantic volcanic eruption spewing thick clouds of ash and gas high into the atmosphere would change the weather. But these satellite images show that a small, steady, simmering eruption also affects the atmosphere.

Published Jan 31, 2008

Image of the Day Atmosphere

Ship Tracks off British Columbia

Ship Tracks off British Columbia

They may look like airplane contrails, but the streaky clouds shown in this photo-like image formed around the exhaust left in the wake of ships traveling along the northwest coast of North America.

Published Jan 26, 2008

Image of the Day Atmosphere Water Unique Imagery

O, What a Cloud

O, What a Cloud

An open-celled cloud over the Pacific Ocean had a shape reminiscent of a certain circular letter of the alphabet.

Published Sep 27, 2014

Image of the Day Atmosphere Water

Fire Cloud over Northern Russia

Fire Cloud over Northern Russia

This profile of the atmosphere provides a rare view of a towering fire-formed thunderstorm and the smoke it injected high into the atmosphere.

Published Sep 1, 2010

Image of the Day Atmosphere

CERES Global Cloud Fraction

CERES Global Cloud Fraction

For more than 10 years, students from around the world have been participating with NASA in a science project called Students Cloud Observations Online, or S’COOL, for short.

Published Jan 13, 2009

Image of the Day Atmosphere

Open- and Closed-Cell Clouds over the Pacific Ocean

Open- and Closed-Cell Clouds over the Pacific Ocean

Acquired April 17, 2010, this natural-color image shows a network of open- and closed-cell clouds over the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Peru.

Published Apr 28, 2010

Image of the Day Atmosphere