Floods and new infrastructure have long since separated the distinctive bend in the river that was portrayed by landscape painter Thomas Cole in 1836.
Published Oct 15, 2017Acquired April 2, 2011, and February 27, 2011, these natural-color images show rising waters on the Kuiseb River, which flowed all the way to the Atlantic Ocean for the first time in decades.
Published Apr 12, 2011The Kaskawulsh River stole most of the water from the Slims River, dramatically reshaping the region’s drainage.
Published Apr 28, 2017Trees have long been cherished here for timber and for the colors they bring to “the Fall Rhapsody.”
Published Oct 24, 2020A satellite image offers inky evidence of the organic-rich freshwater that the Suwannee River delivers to the Gulf of Mexico.
Published Oct 27, 2018The meandering Missouri River doubled back on itself and formed this U-shaped lake.
Published Jan 13, 2014The lower portion of the Padma River has wide meandering curves, an indicator of extensive erosion.
Published Aug 28, 2018Acquired May 1, 2011, this natural-color image shows the James River completely filling the river valley near Jamesville, South Dakota.
Published May 3, 2011The Selenga River Delta, which stretches out into Russia’s Lake Baikal, is carved by an intricate network of channels and levees and surrounded by marshlands.
Published Nov 28, 2011The river supplies Atlanta with its drinking water and a bit of recreational fun.
Published Nov 13, 2016Between 1992 and 2009, a section of the lower Indus River changes course following the formation of an oxbow lake.
Published May 9, 2010As they prepare for a satellite that will measure the height and areal extent of rivers in unprecedented detail, hydrologists have released a better map of North American river widths.
Published Jul 9, 2015The Salmon River in Idaho, one of the longest free-flowing rivers in the United States, rushes through a geologic wonderland of wooded ridges, eroded bluffs, and stone towers and crags.
Published Jul 22, 2020This model of the land elevation between the Mississippi, the Atchafalaya, and the Old River show the uphill fight to control river flow.
Published Jun 4, 2011This false-color image shows the central part of the Vakhsh River, including the Nurek Dam and reservoir.
Published Nov 25, 2008Acquired June 5, 2011, and May 19, 2005, these false-color images compare conditions along the James River near Mitchell, South Dakota.
Published Jun 7, 2011Near the city of Little Rock, the river has meandered for decades, leaving its marks across the landscape.
Published Apr 21, 2014Cliffs, waterfalls, and a wide mix of vegetation line a river that winds through the Great Plains in Nebraska.
Published May 29, 2016The wandering river is a boon to farming, but it has no interest in state borders.
Published Jul 19, 2020Acquired April 2, 2011, this natural-color image shows the Swakop River draining into the Atlantic Ocean just south of Swakopmund.
Published Apr 12, 2011