Acquired August 11, 2011, this natural-color image shows a dust plume spanning several hundred kilometers off the west coast of Africa.
Published Aug 11, 2011Captured October 8, 2012, this image shows a dust plume spanning hundreds of kilometers off the western coast of Africa.
Published Oct 8, 2012This natural-color image shows dual dust plumes blowing off the African coast on June 22, 2009. One of the plumes reaches Cape Verde.
Published Jun 24, 2009Saharan dust crossed the Atlantic Ocean on June 24, 2009, visible in two separate overpasses of the Aqua satellite.
Published Jun 25, 2009In this photo-like image collected over three consecutive satellite overpasses, a thick plume of dust stretches hundreds of kilometers from its origins in Africa’s Sahara Desert to the Lesser Antilles Islands on the eastern edge of the Caribbean Sea.
Published Jun 27, 2009A tremendous plume of dust from North Africa drifts toward the Caribbean and contiguous United States.
Published Jun 19, 2020Image of the Day Atmosphere Land Water Dust and Haze Remote Sensing
Acquired January 19, 2012, this image shows a crescent-shaped dust plume off the west coast of northern Africa.
Published Jan 19, 2012This true-color image from July 1, 2009, shows a series of giant dust plumes west of Mauritania. The smallest and most concentrated plume appears east of Cape Verde.
Published Jul 1, 2009