The park encompasses about 37,000 hectares of the Sonora Desert.
Published Jul 24, 2005Sites relevant to the start of the American Revolutionary War are interspersed throughout the modern-day Boston metropolitan region.
Published Jul 4, 2016Mountains and hills roll right up to the Atlantic Ocean in this rocky landscape that became the first national park east of the Mississippi River.
Published Jul 31, 2016Americans celebrate the 75th anniversary of Shenandoah National Park, just 75 miles from Washington, DC, but worlds away in spirit.
Published Jun 25, 2011Acquired October 22, 2008, this true-color image of Sequoia National Park shows a network of varied ecosystem, including conifer forests, river valleys, alpine vegetation, and bare rocks.
Published Nov 15, 2009A long, active geologic history sculpted the surface features visible today in the Teton mountain range and Jackson Hole valley.
Published Apr 10, 2016Established in 1975, the park saw fur traders nearly two centuries earlier, and it supported human inhabitants thousands of years before that. Today, almost a third of the park is water, and travel through the park is usually by boat.
Published Oct 1, 2006Falling blocks of rock in cliff alcoves became building materials for Ancestral Puebloans—and a popular draw for tourists visiting the park.
Published Aug 26, 2016A national park and preserve almost twice as large as Yellowstone provides ample habitat for brown bears and salmon.
Published May 14, 2016The colonial communities of “America’s historic triangle” played defining roles in the road to American independence.
Published Jul 4, 2018In late February 2008, Kenya’s Lake Nakuru National Park suffered a major blow when an accidental fire scorched a large section of the relatively small park.
Published Mar 6, 2008Maps of the underwater topography reveal reefs and sandbars within the largest marine park in the U.S. National Park System.
Published May 1, 2016This image shows the islands of Komodo National Park in the Lesser Sunda Islands, on July 20, 2000.
Published May 17, 2009