Dark volcanic debris contrasts sharply with white snow on one of Kamchatka’s most active volcanoes.
Land Volcanoes
Bezymianny Volcano erupted vigorously on the morning of April 14, 2011, leaving lahars and pyroclastic flows behind.
Image of the Day Land Volcanoes
Image of the Day Land
An increase in earthquakes under Bezymianny Volcano signaled an impending explosive eruption.
Atmosphere Land Volcanoes
A cycle of lava dome growth and collapse is feeding pyrolcastic flows and ash plumes at the Indonesian volcano.
The most recent eruption of Kyluchevskaya Volcano ended on November 4, 2010, while lava dome growth continues at nearby Bezymianny.
Fresh lava domes fill most of the 10,000-year old caldera of Chaitén volcano.
A volcanic plume rises above Japan’s Shinmoe-dake Volcano, while a lava dome grows within its summit crater.
Image of the Day Atmosphere Land Volcanoes
Evidence of four types of volcanic activity at Mexico’s Colima Volcano.
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